Ramsey Com3010 Service Monitor Password

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Andy Corbin
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Ramsey Com3010 Service Monitor Password

Post by Andy Corbin »

I recently borrowed a Ramsey Com3010 service monitor for evaluation.
If you had previous experience with the "COM3" the COM3010 is a whole new ball game. I have been going through the 3010 calibrating the time base and evaluating various other parameters. There is a section in the firmware for calibrating the "power input" meter. I have noted it is about 1 watt off my other bench meters on UHF. To make the power input adjustment you need a password. Does anyone by chance happen to have access to the password to access this parameter?

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Re: Ramsey Com3010 Service Monitor Password

Post by jry »

The COM3010 like most vintage service monitors uses a broadband power measurement approach and not tuned or compensated to the specific operating frequency.

Also there are tolerances on the power meter measurements as well and in this case it's .5db so depending on the actual power in 1Watt off may be in spec.
At 8 watts in .5dbm is around 1 watt tolerance ...may want to check my math there. So if you were measuring 8 watts or above +- 1 watt is still OK.

There are service monitors with "tuned" wattmeters like the Motorola R26XX and the earlier R24XX and R22XX as well as the HP 892X and the later post IFR 1900 series ( the 1900 had the option of setting the power meter frequency ). May be others as well but the accuracy is still roughly the same.

Unless you have the service and or calibration manuals you may be able to look at the firmware if they are socketed devices and looking at the contents. Often the password can be determined from the firmware dumps but you may have to reassemble the device images back to the software image using the merge and splice tools for binaries.

Not what I consider to be a very valuable piece of test equipment IMHO but that was it's initial target market as well.
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Andy Corbin
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Re: Ramsey Com3010 Service Monitor Password

Post by Andy Corbin »

Hi jry and thanks for the response. I was using an Icom T-90 HT. I checked it against my Struthers (aka Bird 43) and my Bird Termaline meter. They were showing abt 3.5 watts while the 3010 was showing about 4.3 watts. Not a huge difference in the scheme of things but if it was an easy adjustment, I would make it. From what I am seeing, the 3010 is a current production model box. I agree, it is not a GD, HP, or whatever IFR calls themselves these days, but it performs well beyond the old COM3.

I might dump a bit more power (may 25 watts) and see how the difference adds up.

I am not overly serious about buying this box. A friend acquired it and I have been curious about it for awhile and saw this as an opportunity to play with it for awhile.
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Re: Ramsey Com3010 Service Monitor Password

Post by Andy Corbin »

Update- I just checked the power reading on the Struthers, Bird Termaline, and the Ramsey COM3010. I used a Standard C5900 on 445mhz on high power. Struthers-28.4 watts/Termaline-26 watts/ 3010-37.8watts. Seems the monitor is reading about 25% higher than the other two meters regardless of power level.
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Re: Ramsey Com3010 Service Monitor Password

Post by jry »

so I stand corrected the 3010 version has a "tuned" power meter ...see page 37 on the users manual. Who knew 8)

You can enter the TX frequency or have it detect it by looping the -30 port on the back to the RF in. See the manual for details.

Those measured power values are too far out to be in spec and hopefully using the correct TX frequency will bring it back in range.

Ramsey electronics is still in business ...just not the service monitors ....so you may be able to contact them for the password or better yet the manuals. Another surprise.

Of course this means the wattmeter calibration process is likely to be complex and the manual a definite requirement.

On the service monitors previously mentioned the power meter calibration was not done in the field for the most part but depended on factory procedures and generated values for alignment.
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Re: Ramsey Com3010 Service Monitor Password

Post by Andy Corbin »

I did enter the transmit frequency of the transmitter under test. You are probably correct in that the "power" cal procedure is complex and/or needs special equipment.
I have the user manual for this unit. I have found this unit to be not-so-intuitive so the user manual is an absolute MUST.
I am under the impression this unit is still in production. Several vendors are selling them for the new price.
https://www.testequipmentdepot.com/rams ... om3010.htm

I did a quick Google search on ramsey com3010 and got multiple outlets that are selling them at the original new price. With the listings I have seen, I didn't see any that indicated "used" or "rental".

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Re: Ramsey Com3010 Service Monitor Password

Post by Andy Corbin »

Update- I spoke with Ramsey tech support this morning. I can now get into the power adjustment part of the firmware, but after speaking with them, I am not about to go in there messing around (1) I was told there was a specific power meter (can't remember make/model) which can communicate with the box. (2) there are about 40 steps involved in calibrating the power parameter. Given my lack of proper equipment and knowledge about this machine, I think it is best to not poke the hornets nest.

I did ask regarding if this was a legacy product or currently available. Was told it is still offered as a new device but they will not be for long.
I appreciate your input. Hope you have a great New Year.
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Re: Ramsey Com3010 Service Monitor Password

Post by jry »

given that's it's still sold and supported they should offer calibration for it at a price inline with the cost of the unit.

I'm sure that unit has a fit in the market place ...like an IFR 500A equivalent/upgrade ....but would not be my first choice as a primary service monitor.

surprised that it's still being sold new since the market for that type of unit has shrunk dramatically.

I suspect they have a software utility that interacts with the unit and the power meter ...probably have the power meter at the -30db port and both connected to a PC along with a signal gen /power amp combination.
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Andy Corbin
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Re: Ramsey Com3010 Service Monitor Password

Post by Andy Corbin »

Tech support said a full cal was about $400.
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