Astro Saber: Change low battery alert setting?

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Astro Saber: Change low battery alert setting?

Post by Splat »

I've had an A/S3 for years now, a legit non-hackged one, that I hadn't used the low battery alert on it... until now. The problem is the low battery level setting seems way high, alerting much earlier than it should. I haven't put a meter on it yet but my battery packs are good. My A/S manuals are all packed away from when we moved so hopefully I can get the answer here instead of having to dig. :) Is there a way to lower/set the battery alert level on the Astro Sabers? Thanks.
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Re: Astro Saber: Change low battery alert setting?

Post by Splat »

Found the problem guys. Thanks anyway.
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Re: Astro Saber: Change low battery alert setting?

Post by S_Holmes »

What was the issues?
Scott Holmes
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Re: Astro Saber: Change low battery alert setting?


Another good fix is bend the battery contacts with a small flat head screw driver so that they make a stronger contact with the battery. Also tighten the spanner nuts on the battery plate until they are snug.
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Re: Astro Saber: Change low battery alert setting?

Post by Astrosaber »

Splat wrote:Found the problem guys. Thanks anyway.
Care to share? I've been having the same problem with my AS2 since 1998...
MT2000 man
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Re: Astro Saber: Change low battery alert setting?

Post by MT2000 man »

I know this post is going on over 10 years now but I just wanted to say - thanks to this post, I managed to fix one of my Astro Sabers !

Just had an Astro Saber come in and no matter what battery I put on it, it would always flash “low battery” and sometimes reset itself. I tried all the good batteries I had and all of them would flash premature low battery on this one Astro Saber. What did the trick ? - I tightened down the spanner nuts and bingo - no more low battery indicator !

So, thank you to Mrflashport for solving this issue ! It was a major PITA and never had one do this before.
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