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MT2000 unmute problem

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 12:06 am
by vhacmowilmob
Here's one I've never come across before...
We are going through our old HT1000 and MT2000 radios, checking them out before getting rid of them (the good ones go to auction, the bad ones get stripped of usable parts and the good parts to auction, the bad parts to the shredder)

I've come across a top-display VHF MT2000 (we don't have many of these) that has an issue when it unmutes... it's slow to unmute on valid PL, but not only is it slow, it's not a solid "ON" when it unmutes, it's almost like someone is turning up a knob (fast, but it's definitely a ramp-up)

I turned off DOS, and made sure unmute is set to OR with no unmute delay.

I haven't done any alignment other than make sure the reference oscillator was on frequency (it was, -6hz... I can't get much closer than that...:-) )

I assume something on the RF board is screwy, but wanted a second opinion before this one goes in the scrap pile. (the rest of the radios in the scrap pile are flat-out dead... this will be the first one that is just seriously ill)