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Raider LTR panels

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 6:49 pm
by Bill_G
Crank up your wayback machines, and harken back about twenty years when LTR was the commonly available, and even Motorola sold LTR systems based on the Raider panel.

I'm trying to migrate a four channel Kenwood UHF LTR towards Trbo by adding a conventional user on the last repeater, but I can't get it to work on any channel except the home channel. We didn't set this up. The (now defunct) Kenwood dealer of the day numbered the controllers 1, 5, 7, and 9. So, in theory, I should be able to create a user on system 9, enable CTCSS, declare a PL, and it should be good to go. But, that doesn't work on any station except #1, the home channel. The linked controllers require you only log into the home channel controller. And my steps work in system 01, but they don't work in sys 05, 07, or 09.

Have I forgotten something about how to push the configuration to the other controllers? Or am I supposed to break the chain, and program each controller when creating conventional users? The manual implies my changes happen live as I enter the values, and that is what my limited memory of Raider panels says. There is no SAVE or WRITE function. I just don't remember what it took to get all the repeaters to support conventional users.


Re: Raider LTR panels

Posted: Thu May 04, 2017 12:51 pm
by Bill_G
Got my answer this morning - patience.

My recollection was correct. Modifications to the config in the home channel controller eventually push out to the others in the chain. But, it must ooze or drip rather than move at lightning 2400 baud. By this morning all stations were repeating as desired, even though they ignored me last night when I left.

Re: Raider LTR panels

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2017 11:16 am
by FatBoy
Takes about 45min or so if I remember correctly.... FB