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VX-4600 mobile AF audio out problems

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2019 7:43 am
by mkewman
Hello All,

My company, in it's infinite wisdom purchased a fleet of Vertex VX-4600 from Motorola before Motorola realized how crappy they are and discontinued them.

The problem is, I cannot get AF audio out of the D-sub connector on the back. I've tried it on brand new radios out of the box and radios installed in some of our vehicles. I'm stymied. Is this a known issue with the radio that I just don't know about? Is there a fix that still allows audio out of the front speaker as well as the AF out on the back?

Any help would be appreciated.


Re: VX-4600 mobile AF audio out problems

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 7:12 am
by RFguy
We have used the VX-4600 radios for packet use in the past. We had no issue with RX audio on pin 2 of the rear connector.