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Tone Audio Levels on XTS

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2003 8:23 pm
by mfr301
Can anyone advise on how to raise the audio tones that are heard when generating modat or singletone off of an XTS3000?

I can't find it in the tuner or regular software (using CPS 2.00.something)


Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2003 8:32 pm
by RocketNJ
if you are talking about the side tones heard on the radio sending the signalling then try the alert tones offset in radiowide options.


regarding side tones

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2003 8:33 pm
by mfr301
Not the side tones....

If I generate a singletone or modat from the radio, the units receiving that audio say that it is VERY low.. actually to the point where it's practically inaudable... the SIDE tones work fine.....


Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2003 5:00 am
by RocketNJ
Have you gone through the deviation and mod comp alignments? If you do not have the proper test equipment then send it into a compentant dealer or the depot. The depot will also upgrade the host/dsp if needed.

Mod comp is set by measuring the level of the low tone at each test point then adjusting the high tone to the same deviation.

Deviation should be set for 2.83 kHz at each test point.

If the alignment is ok and the signalling is measured to be low (using service monitor, not listening) then only other thing is a defective controller.
