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Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2002 6:38 am
by Pj
With all the newer portable Astro products, has anyone heard if Motorola is planning on phasing out the Astro Spectra with a unit along the likes of a MCS2000 looking unit?

I personally don't think they are, but radios with all sorts of flashy displays and gagets seem to be gaining sales in the public safety market lately.

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2002 11:46 am
When I was in DC for the last 2 weeks I saw a prototype mobile that uses a new type of display, it was a 4 line 20 charater LCD with an Indiglo backlight, it was great. The radio had 512 channels, 110 watts and had a small remote head, not to many buttons and a channel knob. The TX/RX pack was about the same size as a Spectra 110 w unit. The Federal agency that was testing it had 20 in the field in different parts of the country and they guys loved it. It is also availble with the W-3 type head with the cool display. They said they would be getting them in Jan 2003


Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2002 3:58 pm
by spectragod
Well, I just got back from Schaumburg, no news of any new style Spectra's, although, they are introducing a new Astro Spectra Plus series, supposed to have 8 meg of memory, 512 modes etc., etc.. Possibly the first ones will be dual band700/800 Mhz.
Of course, this is what I physically saw and just repeated what I was told, the actual product may have a few more/less features. SG