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Problem w/ computer when I get on Batlabs please read....

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 1:14 pm
by jrm5265
Im not computer savy ok so lets get that out in the open right off the bat

Ive been having problems for about last 2 monthst with this

Ill be on Batlabs and while Im on Batlabs or right after I get off all of a sudden I get one right after another Windows Internet Explorer blank windows coming up and I cannot stop them they always go to around 62 and if I close them theyll open right back up as fast I close them, my computer sho cant find anything virus wise in m computer thats causeing this any ideas thoughts on this guys?
To get out I have to trun off my computer and then pwr back up

Re: Problem w/ computer when I get on Batlabs please read....

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 2:33 pm
by alex
It's not a problem on this site, it's a problem on your computer.

You have a spyware or something along those lines on the computer.


Re: Problem w/ computer when I get on Batlabs please read....

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 8:06 pm
by gamejunkie13
You need to download "Spybot: Search and Destroy", this will clear up most of your spyware problems. The last post hit it on the head. You can also download Microsoft's "Windows Defender" or "Ad-Aware SE Personal". All these are free downloads. Disconnect from your network cable, run them and then reboot, then run them again.

Re: Problem w/ computer when I get on Batlabs please read....

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 5:33 am
by jrm5265
Thanks yea I didnt think it was anything wrong with the site I was just wondering if anybody else had had a similar issue and what they did about it


Re: Problem w/ computer when I get on Batlabs please read....

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 5:08 pm
by thebigphish
...and stop using IE. Download Firefox.

Re: Problem w/ computer when I get on Batlabs please read....

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 5:52 am
thebigphish wrote:...and stop using IE. Download Firefox.
Then install the AdBlock Plus plugin followed by Filterset.G. Kiss spyware and ads goodbye.

Re: Problem w/ computer when I get on Batlabs please read....

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2007 10:28 pm
by misawatech
My 2 cents...I do alot of "cleaning computers" and the best way I've found is to run the scans in these steps.

1. Turn off your system restore. When you do this you won't be able to restore your system before the current date. It probably doesn't matter as you don't want to add the spyware/virus back into your system.

2. Reboot the computer in safe mode without network support. Alot, if not all, of the worst programs will reinstall or reactivate themselves if you try to remove them in regular mode. In safe mode windows runs with a very limited and basic set of drivers and programs. Since you've chosen safe mode with no network support you needn't worry about the internet connections.

3. I usually run the antivirus first. IF I happen to have a system with one of the secruity suite programs this should clean most of the problems.

4. I then run Adaware. I understand there are some issues with the newest version. I am still using an older version.

5. Last I run Spybot. This will usually catch everything that is bad.

6. To make sure everything is gone I run them all again 2 more times in safe mode and once in regular mode. This is just to ensure my customers don't call me back. You probably don't need to do this much.

7. If there are still problems then I resort to a program called "Hijack this". This one is dangerous as it deletes registry entries. If you are unsure of the entry it may make your system unbootable.

8. If all the programs come up clean then you will have to look for damage to the windows/internet explorer files. I cleaned one last night but when I tried to do the windows updates I found the files corrupted and had to delete them.

I know I've run on but I wnated to share my thoughts and steps. I've had a computer business on the side for about 5 years now. These steps usually get me the results I need. Of course they might not be the best or they might be overkill. Your mileage may vary.