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Best Service Monitor in 2010 ??

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 9:23 pm
by prhowe
I did radio service for about 20 years and always used IFR test equipment. I worked in medicine for about 10 years and now I am back in radio service. With the new P25, digital, trunking, etc. I wanted to see what everyone had to say about their preference for service monitors. I want to get one that will be easy to use and technically last more than a few years. I really liked my old IFR 1100S and the 1500 wasn't bad. I never got used to the COM120, it just wasn't as easy to use as it's predecessors. Thanks in advance.

Re: Best Service Monitor in 2010 ??

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 8:29 am
by Bill_G
As you probably know IFR has become Aeroflex, and they seem to be the leader in two-way test equipment. We have an Aeroflex 2975 for P25 service, and it is a little different to drive. It's a Linux based device with a gui front end to control the different functions. I am still not used to using a mouse to navigate it, and if I were part of the design team, I would have a glide pad built into the face somehow (emphasis on somehow because the face plate is crowded with all the necessary connectors and buttons all good service monitors require - not much room left). That aside, the quality and reliability is everything we've come to expect from IFR. OTOH, if you are not doing P25 service, if your customer base is predominately conventional, there are plenty of used service monitors available at a much lower cost. Test Equipment Connection, and TRS Rentelco are both good sources for new and used test equipment as well as rental equipment for specific jobs. I have used them numerous times and am very pleased with their services.

Re: Best Service Monitor in 2010 ??

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 10:17 am
by prhowe
Hi Bill,

Thank you for the reply. I did see the 2975 and also the 3920 from (Aeroflex), but a friend (who has been continious in the radio business) suggested that I look at other manufacturers. He suggested that I purchase a Motorola or General Dynamics, and he mentioned one other manufacturer (name slips my mind right now) instead of IFR (Aeroflex). Since I have been idle in radio for about 8 years, I wanted to see what was the current 'best' in the market without relying on one opinion. But, I do trust his opinion. I have been using a COM120B now, and I really do not like it. Perhaps it is my lack of familiarity with it, but my old 1100S and 1500 were like extensions of my arm. I miss the attenuators. I could turn the attenuator and know without even looking how well the receiver was preforming. Now, to check sensitivity, you have to risk carpal tunnel button pushing every time. And, I did know where every control was on both of those models. I am not unwilling to continue with the COM120, but so far, it's not thrilling me. And, yes, I am working primarily on P25 (gov-AES) non-trunked systems, so P25 is a must. Price is not too much of an issue (within reason). Thanks again for everyones time.


Re: Best Service Monitor in 2010 ??

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 12:25 pm
by Bill_G
I hear ya though I am partial to the 120B. I wish all service monitors were as easy and intuitive as the 120B. OTOH, I've had some of our experienced guys grow gray hairs trying to run mine. So, I know first hand how it "speaks" to some guys, and not to others. I am not fond of the 2975 and avoid it like the plague. But, the guy who decided to take possession has grown fond of it, and all the Motorola techs use one. Since you're still in the kick-the-tires stage, maybe you should rent several models to see how well you like the pluses and minuses of each one. I only use Agilent stuff for microwave work.

Re: Best Service Monitor in 2010 ??

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 2:11 pm
by Wowbagger
prhowe wrote: I miss the attenuators. I could turn the attenuator and know without even looking how well the receiver was preforming. Now, to check sensitivity, you have to risk carpal tunnel button pushing every time.
Or, because everything in the COM-120B is under control of the microprocessor rather than requiring you to move the knob, you just tell the SINAD meter to run a SINAD search and it will find the level for you, no user interaction needed. OR you just leave the gen level edit active and spin the spinner as needed, just like the gen level knob on the 1200.

I know that some people like "a knob for each feature", but with modern gear that's just not possible - you'd have a front panel that looked like a sound mixer for a rock concert.

Trust me, I am trying to make the next generation as easy to use as possible (and I really cannot say a lot more than that, other than to tell you to look at the 7100LTE tester - that's just the start.)

prhowe - I second the advice from others: get a demo from each manufacturer you can, of each box that might be of interest to you. I can pass your contact info on to the Aeroflex sales guys if you want (PM me or mail me at david.hagood at aeroflex dot com) to arrange demos.

Re: Best Service Monitor in 2010 ??

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 2:17 pm
by Batwings21
I personally use and IFR 1200s, my shop has Motorola r2200's, r2410's, GD & Motorola r2600's and a IFR 2975. Hands down the 2975 with a mouse/trackball is the most convenient user interface. Its way better to me than the r2600 series. The 2975 scope display is more pleasing to the eye than the GD's also.

Re: Best Service Monitor in 2010 ??

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 3:15 pm
by Bill_G
Yes - the 2975 display is clearer than the new GD I looked at (don't recall the model). But, I do miss the real time display. All the modern service monitors have display delay.

Re: Best Service Monitor in 2010 ??

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:34 am
by pforbes
I'm pretty partial to the R2670 for ease and simplicity of use as well as it's features and options complement. Got stuck with a 2975 which was (and still is) a headache to use even when it doesn't freeze up. So complex to use that a keyboard and mouse are permanently connected and it won't leave our Shop/Lab. Used an HP for a bit but had quite a challenge getting the hang of it. Oh, and the 2670 boots and responds way faster than the 2975.