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NEC Versa replacement ---> Panasonic TB

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 8:35 am
by fineshot1
Well my old NEC Versa is about to break in two(the plactic hinges are cracked) and it looks as though
I need to replace my old reliable programming laptop. I use it for programming Moto MTX/MTS/MCS
and that era RSS as well as HT600 and some Maxtrac when its booted into MS DOS.

I was thinking about picking up an older but good shape Panasonic Tough Book model like a CF 27
era laptop but want to ask for opinions from the Tough Book fan club which model would probably
be most suitable for that task........anyone - opinions welcome.

Re: NEC Versa replacement ---> Panasonic TB

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:59 am
by fineshot1

someone must have an opinion, anyone???

ps - looks like i will also (if possible) need it to run some
early version cps for mts/cps.