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M7 to O5 Upgrade Issue

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 3:03 pm
by chopskxw
So, I have read through several threads, but have not found a scenario exactly match that which I am experiencing. The situation is that I purchased an XTL5000 (high power) that was already setup as a remote mount radio with a W7 head. The previous owner had attempted to do an O5 swap, but was unsuccessful. The radio was reverted to the W7 configuration, and works as expected in the configuration.

Since I have taken ownership, we read the radio and discovered it had already been programmed by the latest version of CPS. As such, we changed the control head via CPS and wrote the changes. Swapped the TIB, connected everything up, and the O5 control head boots but does not connect (FL 01-90). We are able to read/write to the radio via the GCAI connector on the TIB, but not through the head (which makes sense). I'm guessing that we need to do a control head sync, but we do not have the correct file to do this.

From what I found, it seems all of the P/Ns and firmware versions should be fine. Please if I have missed something, let me know. If all looks well, what are the suggestions from the resident gurus?

Part Numbers/Version Numbers:
Brick M/N: MK20TS9PW1AN
Brick F/W: R20.50.07
O5 CH P/N: HLN1467D
CHIB Flex P/N: HKN6191A
CH Housing P/N: HLN1468B
CH Bootloader: R08.51.00
TIB Flex: 8464275H03 REV P

Re: M7 to O5 Upgrade Issue

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 9:58 pm
by com501
The control head sync file is available on MOL, in the same folder you download your software from.

Re: M7 to O5 Upgrade Issue

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 11:43 am
by chopskxw
So, I have purchased a new apx style O5 to try, with the same result. I have attempted the control head sync, using the latest sync file from MOL. One the radio reboots and the head goes to flash zap, the pc seems to have a driver issue. I have tried uninstalling every piece of moto software and reinstalling, and still same result. Any suggestions?