The Quantar Station Access Module

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The Quantar Station Access Module

Post by batdude »

if anyone of you guys that are heavy into infrastructure run across one of these retrofit kits (FRU's) or whatever, i am really interested in purchasing it.

as i understand it, there is the SAM and a daughtercard that plugs into the SCM....

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Post by xmo »

What you are looking for is the TLN3364A SAM FRU.

This is a Quantar module that plugs into the same slot that a second receiver or optional time base would go into [the slot between the receiver and the WLI]

It is a self contained assembly comprised of a metal box with an internal interface board on top of which is piggybacked another card which just happens to be an MSF5000 SAM!

You can order this from the parts department and the cost will be about $1000 [or a little less if your account has a discount]

There was an earlier discussion about this module that suggested that all sorts of flashing or other BS would be reuqired, but I can state with certainty that this is not so. I just received three of them and they are sitting in from of me at this moment. I can also state with certainty two other facts:

This is a way cool module [in terms of capabilities] AND getting the most out of it will be a challenge [to understand how to program it] It can decode MDC, DTMF, several standard and a user defined tone formats. The results of these decode events cause the execution of action tables that you set up [with the SAM RSS].

The module also contains its own wildcard inputs and outputs [hardware]. The inputs can cause execution of action tables and the outputs can be actions in an action table. These wildcard I/O's can be cross-connected to the station wildcard I/O's to expand your capabilities.

The station wildcard functionality requires new enough station firmware and a wireline board. There are two levels of wildcard: basic and enhanced. Basic is available with a four wire interface board and enhanced is available with an eight wire board. In addition to hardware I/O's the station wildcard functionality can act on and influence many station events. The action tables in the station wildcard are very versatile with the ability to define an action based on boolian operations AND, OR, AND NOT, and OR NOT.

All that said, I got the SAM modules to allow us to activate and deactivate the repeat function of several mutual aid repeaters around our County - over the air with MDC RAC or ID signals. These repeaters also connect to a Centracom console and I also want the operators to be able to enable and disable them via the wireline.

I have some experience in these matters, but the complexity of the process was daunting at first. I even called the System Support Center and spoke to a base station specialist. He basically told me that what I want to do is possible but beyond what he could tell me over the phone. He did clear up a couple of points for me though, and once pointed in the right direction I have mastered the process.

I used to be one of those that could make a Micor do just about anything [with enough time and a big bag of diodes] This is like that only even better! Now you don't need the bag of diodes! [but the time requirement is still there]
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Sounds like the SAM gives you most of the capabilities of a good external controller, only the SAM is integrated so you eliminate the need for a ton of external wires, etc. Pretty slick!

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Post by xmo »

You could combine the SAM, the station wildcard AND an external controller for the ultimate in capability.

Let's say you have one of those S-Com 7K controllers with that new voice storage [ or a Link with DVR]. You could connect a SAM wildcard output to a controller I/O and everytime you come on the air your MDC ID would make the repeater say "Hi Larry"

With the Link controller you could have your ID trigger a macro so it would only say "Hi Larry" once until some predetermined time expires [so it wouldn't drive you crazy talking to you]

The possibilities are limitless! One RAC or ID could set up your VOIP link. Another ID could set the repeater to low power. etc. etc. etc.
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Outstanding! When you stop and consider the horsepower of the SAM, its price doesn't look quite so bad---about the same as a top notch controller.

BTW, I'm hearing that the Quantar and DIU are very soon to have their RSS uplifted to CPS. I wonder if the SAM RSS will also be converted to CPS? With all of the functionality and complexities of the SAM, it would be nice for it to also become Windows based.

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Post by xmo »

"I wonder if the SAM RSS will also be converted to CPS?"

Anything is possible, but SAM has been pretty stable. The current ship SAM RSS is Ver R01.01 of Jan 1993.
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Post by RKG »

You can run a Quantar under an external controller without a SAM. (The MPL function of the Quantar is pretty limited.)

First, use a Wildcard table to send discriminator audio to the AuxRx port and mix input audio from the AuxPL port with the TxAudio. The condition here should be cold start OR warm start.

Next, use a table to set an output (such as Output 3) on Rx Car Detect. This becomes your COR function.

Next, use a table so that on an input (such as Input 7), the radio Keys from WL and DeKeys when the input goes inactive.

The station is defined as a base station, and the channel table uses CSQ for squelch.

If the repeater is controlled by remotes, you then have to have a method of gating the audio up the pipe so that only valid tone audio goes to the remotes. There are a couple of ways of doing this, but the easiest way is to use the antenna relay function to pull in a relay that otherwise interrupts the audio line from the external controller to the remotes.

The Quantar maintenance manual (the big one) has a bunch of neat suggestions for Wildcard programming in the back.
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I believe you can also hang an external controller on the Quantar via the MRTI port, and then set-up the Quantar to "think" it's a base station (via the RSS). Or, better yet, hang an external controller on the DIU's MRTI jack, which is the simplest way to go, assuming you have an ASTRO modem connection from the DIU to the site.

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Post by xmo »

The discussion of SAM capabilities was never intended to suggest that a SAM was necessary in order to interface an external controller [although the station wildcard might be], but rather to explain the capabilities of this little known device.

The SAM strong points are:

1. Motorola product
2. Integrates into the station
3. Not an unreasonable price
4. It decodes MDC

The MDC capability is what really makes it unique and versatile since many Motorola radios have manual or automatic RAC available and most have PTT ID available.

The fact that the SAM has wildcard outputs also means that this unique MDC capability can be integrated with external controllers when even greater versatility is required [beyond what can be accomplished with the station, wildcard and SAM programming] such as voice messages, macro execution, calander driven events, etc.
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