This forum is focused on discussing Digital and Voice paging equipment, protocol's, infrastructure, and Motorola specific hardware used. Please refrain from discussing different ways to monitor the digital paging systems due to the legalities of such.
I am tring to program a minitor V VHF pager in the 151 to 158.9975 range a little out of band. Frequency 1 = 154.355 Frequency 2 159.900.
Can anyone Help. I have a Minitor 4 that was programed with the old Dos software and it works perfectly. I would like to do the same with a Minitor V, but I can't seem to get any where with the new windows based software. Has anyone figured out how to ajust it, like you could with the old Dos software.
In my case, I need to cover 158.925 and 159.24 in the same pager.
My old min 3 and 4 pagers could do it, as long as I used the dos programmer. The min v software won't permit even a tiny deviation beyond the band limits.
Several of our M5 are programmed for and they are working fine. They even work in silent scan mode. I have not updated the firmware to 3.0 yet either. Don't know how that will affect the situation. Hope it doesn't
Oh, I forgot. In the programming software when you get the popup saying the channel is out of band, I just clicked past it and went ahead with the programming. Loaded fine.
Snowtech wrote:In my case, I need to cover 158.925 and 159.24 in the same pager.
My old min 3 and 4 pagers could do it, as long as I used the dos programmer. The min v software won't permit even a tiny deviation beyond the band limits.
The Minitor 5 Software allows the following:
0.5Mhz for Low Band Pagers
0.6Mhz for VHF Pagers
0.7Mhz for UHF Pagers
Snowtech's pager of 158.925 and 159.240 will work just fine.
I found the band limits for B band in the hex editor, line, 005C320, but the pager still won't accept the out of band freq, can anyone else find the line that limits the frequency?