XTS 3000 question

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XTS 3000 question

Post by DyslexicDancer »

I was looking at purchasing an XTS 3000 to replace an older Astro Saber I currently use, but I had a few questions I hope y'all could help me with

What do I need to look for to ensure the radio I buy comes with a DES XL/DES OFB encryption modual, is usable in the 136-174 Mhz range, and is APCO-25 capable? From what I have read I think I'm looking for Model: H09KDF9PW7BN with Flashcode: 5800010000000, just looking for someone to confirm or correct this

What is a reasonable price to pay for an XTS 3000 as described above?

Also can the XTS3000 be loaded with DES XL/DES OFB keys using a T-3011DX KVL?

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