NON-Courteous replies to information requests - please read

The General forum is where users can discuss any topic regarding Motorola communications equipment - hardware, software, etc. There are also several focused forums on this board, so please take the time to ensure that your questions doesn't fall into one of those categories before posting here!

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NON-Courteous replies to information requests - please read

Post by wazzzzzzzzup »

hello all,

several days ago i posted a request for information and another board member decided to reply with no helpful content, came off as insulting and to say he found some info but didnt share it. and later replied with more insulting comments.

this has been on my mind the last few days, and i really feel the need to bring up awareness to ALL users of the board to please be thoughtful when replying to others requests

ive seen this with others out here from time to time where someone gets talked down to by another user. it really discourages people to come here for help.

for all...if you feel their request for help crosses your line or is otherwise below your intelligence,or you think they are lazy, whatever the reason and you feel like insulting or being accusatory with them, then dont reply. just skip over it, move on to another post you feel you can positively contribute to.

heres a link to the thread if you are curious. i feel i bring up some good points to support helping others with some of my own thoughts on the board.

this board is built on people that are helpful, and that is one of the reasons batlabs is the greatest Motorola website in the world! :)
think about how to ENCOURAGE Motorola learning safely with GRACE.....NOT condemnation.
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Re: NON-Courteous replies to information requests - please r

Post by Wowbagger »

I agree he was a jerk in his initial response. However, given that he was a jerk, in my opinion you should have taken your own advice and not engaged him further - just ignore his response and await a helpful response. By responding you just provoked him further, and allowed him more chances to get under your skin. I also bet dollars to donuts that he will also respond in this thread, just because he managed to get a response from you.

There are unfortunately many people on-line who are assholes:
This is my opinion, not Aeroflex's.

I WILL NOT give you proprietary information. I make too much money to jeopardize my job.

I AM NOT the Service department: You want official info, manuals, service info, parts, calibration, etc., contact Aeroflex directly, please.
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