Audio playback- Instant Recall

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Audio playback- Instant Recall

Post by Jayce »

With R17.01 firmware update Motorola gave the APX the ability to record and playback up to 30 seconds of audio. Nice, but the way it's configured it is practically useless to my officers in the field. To use the feature, an officer has to un-holster the radio, scroll to RCNT, SELect the desired conversation, then push PLAY. Way too much trouble while driving. They will 10-9 dispatch every time. What is needed is to be able to assign a single button push on the PSM/RSM to replay the last 15-20 seconds of received audio.
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Re: Audio playback- Instant Recall

Post by RFguy »

Plus when they are playing back a message, it blocks any incoming transmission resulting in missed calls.
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