XPR 6580 onto 900 mhz ham band

This forum is for the discussions targeted at converting various models of Motorola equipment to operate in the 900MHz Amateur Band.

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XPR 6580 onto 900 mhz ham band

Post by WB5ITT »

I have several 900MHz 6580s I would love to get rid of the trunking . HOW do I do it?? I have searched just about everywhere and people don't post anything helpful...

Cmon folks, links or something is better than "mine got converted" and nothing else!!

As in one repeaterism, "if thou can't thinks of anything worth saying, shut thou up! :o

Thanks for ANY REAL info......

Chris WB5ITT
Chris WB5ITT
Trustee, W5APX
Beaumont, TX

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Re: XPR 6580 onto 900 mhz ham band

Post by N4KVE »

Back when that radio was supported, Moto offered an EID package that would remove the old analog trunking, & activate digital for $75. Once that was done, the radio would work on 902-927 ham freq’s. Since they no longer support the Gen 1 XPR radios, I doubt that package is still available. I’m guessing there are sites that may have it, but that’s just a guess. I had all mine upgraded years ago by a friend. Your best bet would be that Australian site. GARY.
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