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UHF Quantro 40W to 110W

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 9:47 am
by motorola_otaku
I have a 40W UHF R2 Quantro that works 100% as-is. I have a 110W UHF R2 PA from a MSF station that is confirmed working in the MSF station. When I swap the 40W PA for the 110W PA and change the PA setting in the station configuration to "110W with Single Circulator" the station immediately goes into PA Fail. "PA INIT" in the alignment does nothing and the station has to be completely reset to make the fail code go away. Is there a programming option I'm missing, some jumper on the backplane that needs to be moved, or can it just Not Be Done?

Re: UHF Quantro 40W to 110W

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 5:53 pm
by khw
Can't say I know much about the 40W or 110W versions, but I own a 225W UHF Quantro. I'm always looking for spare PA's at hamfests and I know that there are two versions of the 110W PA. There is a 110W Driver PA Module that is part number TTE1732A (the one I'm always looking for) and then there is the TLE2512A Final PA Module (the one you would need).

There aren't any jumpers on the backplane, just the feedback cable that connects from the 6 pin molex connector to the backplane.