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Quantar programming help

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 3:21 pm
by atlantis

I'm in need of help with the programming of Quantar stations. Maybe the information I'm looking for is already out there and I just haven't found it, in this case please forgive me. What I'm looking for is:

- how to modify the basic wildcard version (without the enhanced board) to offer the enhanced features (I know it's possible but have no instructions)

Once this is done I would like to program the following features using wildcards:

- open the repeater with a Euro-style 1750 Hz tone (or pl)
- have the call sign txed every given period of time even when the repeater is idle (I have only managed to have it transmitted after the repeater closes)
- have the pl tone _not_ transmitted when the call sign or other tone signals are transmitted (for echolink operation)
- maybe more depending on need

I'm sure there are wildcard pros out there, can someone please steer me in the right direction about how to learn to do this kind of stuff? Are the 3 examples above possible at all?

Thanks and vy 73

Re: Quantar programming help

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 11:30 am
by Vercomm
Hi Martin,

The Quantar is a very complex beast that can do most anything. I have done quite a bit with Quantars over the years with wildcard tables etc and they are very flexible. I'll see if i can find a soft copy of my wild card programming manual. XMO is also a guru with the Quantar, he may be able to shed some info as he has sent me tips before.


Re: Quantar programming help

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 2:15 pm
by radioactive69
I have been playing and discovering several tables actions and effects on the quantar. The basic manual
has the basic tables for outboard controllers, got those down and a few other tricks.

However, I don't understand all the abbreviations in the pull down menus. I am missing opportunities
to do things.

A full disclosure of the tables abbreviations would be a big help for me too!
Whomever can help... Please help many of us with a document/listing or URL that would detail the wildcard table
functions, menus, actions and inactions.


Re: Quantar programming help

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 5:49 pm
by kb4mdz
There are some files, like help files/descriptions of the wildcard pins & functions, but I've not found them directly accessible for easy reference. At one time I started to try to do screenshots & convert them to text files, but didn't get done before having to head on to something else. I'll try to get back to that and post it here.