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Monitoring Input Frequencies For Interference

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 8:16 am
by Birken Vogt
There is no better word for it.

Jerks, and I am calling them jerks, are licensing frequencies in conflict with our existing ones and we have to keep chasing them off. It is very time consuming and I am afraid if one of them gets established on one of our frequencies without our notice it may be impossible.

A neighboring shop had this happen where some unauthorized bean counter in the county signed a letter of concurrence for a repeater system on the same frequency 2 counties over and now they have destructive interference and the FCC and coordinator won't do anything because there is a LOC even though the person who signed it was some nameless pencil pusher.

In our case they managed to ram through a repeater output on our input, again 2 counties over with signal levels in the -80 range to us. We finally got them to agree it was a bad idea (after them saying "well we use a different PL" and ridiculous things like that) but the effort was substantial.

To this end I am thinking of setting up another repeater listening to the same antenna set up for carrier squelch and use a back channel for audio from that. Then if I hear heterodyning on the main system I can listen to the back channel when the main is not active and see who it is. But I would like to disable repeat of the carrier repeater if it is a valid decode on the main. The main is a MTR2000. I don't know if the RDStat is TOR or COR but I am hoping I could feed it to the repeat disable of another (cheap) repeater if it is TOR.

Anybody tried anything like this?