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Good idea Alex & Larry

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 3:51 pm
by xmo
Larry's original suggestion was a forum for Quantar, but an infrastructure forum will be a good place to discuss all aspects of 'systems' including goodies like the DIU3000, AstroTac's and so on.

Other site specific topics that often pose questions and problems are duplexers, filters, transmission lines, antennas and so on. Having a dedicated place for site issues will make it easier to track interesting issues and easier to search for items of interest.


Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 3:57 pm
by batdude
i was typing exactly what you said....


where are all the quantarmaniacs?


Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 4:26 pm
by nmfire10
So this is for fixed site equpment equipment discussion I assume? Anything in petular or just repeaters/voters?

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 5:05 pm
by alex
Well, Larry wrote back a PM with some constructive nitpicking, but I might honor it anyway.

The idea is to have somewhere to discuss:

Base Stations
Related ways to get signals from point A-B (e.g. Tone Remote, VOIP, RF Links)

That kinda stuff...

I was thinking Site Specific would be better, since it would cover Repeaters, Base Stations, transmission routes... But Infrastructure might work out better...

and sure...voters... everything else I forgot that could be put under this category. I think you guys know where I am going with this.


[edit] OK, I did some revising... now it's:

System Infrastructure and Related Equipment


This forum is for discussions regarding System Infrastructure and Related Equipment. This includes but is not limited to repeaters, base stations, consoles, voters, Voice over IP, system design and implementation, and other related topics.

How's that?

(Doing my best to please everyone.)

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2003 7:28 am
by RKG
Well done.

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2003 9:35 am
Perfect, Alex and thanks, again!

Being as diplomatic as you are, have you thought about running for political office? You could get on the CA ballot for only $3,500. And, with all of the Batwingers voting for you, you might be able to make a decent showing!


Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2003 9:50 am
by alex
No, haven't thought about getting into politics... I hardly watch the news as it is (coverage around here gets boring... there are only so many times you can watch news anchors get excited about basket weaving)...


I do want to get out to California... I might be in Las Vegas for CES, which would be cool - never been out there before. Slowly trying to start traveling a bit, seeing the sites and meeting people along the way....

Oh wait.... this all requires $$ :)


Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2003 8:14 pm
by bernie
My two bits worth:
I think that this infrastructure forum is an excellent idea.
There seems to be discussions about everything except Motorola CCTV.
The person that is attempting to hack a SABER code plug, is not likely to be interested in the fine points of tuning a site MUX, then us site guys usuially don't fix portables.
I think BatLabs is evolving very well.