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Motorola mobile, Southern Communications? Help!!

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2004 9:33 pm
by motradiodude
I have just purchased a radio that was stated to be nextel capable. It says Southern Communications by Motorola on the front. The model number is M02UCK6NR3AN. Can someone PLEASE help shed some light on what this radio is really capable, and how to go about programming it. I have most software to do anything motorola. The big problem is I don't have anyting idea about where to start with this one. Thank you.

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 5:17 am
by motor59
The Southern Companies have a private iDen system down south called SouthernLink. I'd guess it's one of theirs.

Does it look like the drawer unit of an MCS2000?

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 5:30 am
by motradiodude
Yes, it sure is a drawer unit of a mcs2000. It has the data connector in the bottom of the chasis.

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 7:18 am
by chiefhal3
If the radio says Southern Communications and not Southern Linc it belongs to some part of the Southern Company, ie GA Power, AL Power, etc. I haven't ever heard of them selling any of these radios as they are realatively new. There was actually a pre MCS2000 unit that was made by Motorola presumably just for Southern Communications when they first changed the entire fleet over from the old UHF repeater systems to the SouthernLinc or iden systems. These units came in three basic configurations and were installed in everything from bucket trucks, to pick up trucks, to various peoples cars etc. Some were equiped with additional hardware for transmitting service calls, sort of like a MDT. These were first installed in the early 1990's. I guess there could be a few that are now being replaced but I doubt it knowing how long they used the old UHF system before replacing any of its equipment. When I first went to work there I had a GE radio in my truck that was older than I was.

Depending on which model it will probably work on a Nextel system but you would have to find a nextel service center that would be willing to play around with it to get it working. My experience is they don't normally want to work on anything but hand held units. Also, good luck on finding the RSS that will work with that unit.

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 7:30 am
by motor59
My son's company had a bunch of those for dispatch purposes - the control head looks like an old-style cellphone. I'm guessing that yours has the dashmount-style head.

Not sure if you can still purchase those from Nextel...but I don't think so.
One of the big problems he saw was a limit to the coverage area with these. They won't do nationwide - you're limited to your local metro area.
His territory splits the difference between NYC and Phila, but you had to choose one or the other. Kinda limits the usability of the unit.
I'll ask if he has any idea of nomenclature, or how to program, but don't hold your breath. I'm 90% sure they were scrapped when nationwide DC was rolled out around here.

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 7:35 am
by alex
They will not do cross fleet, or nationwide dc.

In one of the Motorola Trailers - they had a setup where they could cross patch a P25 9600 talkgroup -> Nextel - that was rather cool. I didn't inquire more about the actual setup though.

Link was done through a centracom gold elite.


Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 2:44 am
by Josh
What he has is an iDEN M100 and it's a worthless paperweight. It looke LIKE an MCS2000, but it ISN'T and w/o service, will do nothing for you.
