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XP Changeout

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 5:23 am
by GlennD
I have an IBM T23 that I purchased on Ebay with XP preloaded. Suprise, Microsoft killed it as being bootleg.

I loaded a real version over top of the old load and lost everything. I loaded back a Ghost image from may and turned off updates and it works.

How can I upgrade to a lincensed version without having to start from scratch and reloading everything?

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 8:56 am
by 440roadrunner
You might be able to do this. First, are the two copies you have "similar?" That is, are they both XP pro, and, because the image you have is probably an "OEM" image, is the second copy also an OEM copy? That's because product keys from different versions won't work. A retail key won't work in an OEM copy, for example, and also, no XP home key will work on a pro copy.

You might try here:

Here's one page from Microshaft:

Try doing a search on google for

xp, "change product key"

My question is, just what are you "losing everything" from the one installation? Are you talking about saved files, like emails, or software? If you are "losing" software, you probably don't have the license rights to it, anyhow.

If you are just losing data, you might get yourself some partitoning sofware that you can run from windows, and make a second partition. Then you can transfer what you need to save to the second partition, and then do a clean install. Don't forget to visit IBM (now Lenevo) for additonal drivers and so on.

Another approach, which you may be able to do on ebay, or at the Thinkpads forum link I posted, is to find yourself a recovery CD to match that computer. That will load everything back to how IBM originally shipped it.

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2006 11:24 am
by kb0nly
If the computer has a real copy of XP Pro OEM or Retail, or XP Home OEM or Retail, then you can do a quick repair install with an OEM or Retail CD of the same version, this will allow you to change the cd-key if necessary and get it validated.

If the computer has the XP Pro Corp on it your screwed. Format and reinstall with Home or Pro, OEM or Retail, and start over fresh and enjoy life. I have been there done that almost four dozen times now on customers computers, i setup a test system with XP Corp and tried every method possible to switch to another version without loss, not possible in my opinion.

Now if it has a Corp volume license key that should be valid, i highly doubt it, than you can call Microsh*t and explain what's happening, if you plea and kiss enough a$$ you will get validated. However, if the key your computer is using is on their $hit list of pirated keys than all you will get is put on hold and redirected to the legal department when you call.

Been there done that, it happened with a local business who has a volume license key, for some reason one of their computers got marked as pirated.

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 7:02 pm
by mr.syntrx
VLKs are rather popular with eBay sellers, for some reason. (Considering half the machines they install it on have their own OEM licenses anyway.)

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 7:16 pm
by kb0nly
mr.syntrx wrote:VLKs are rather popular with eBay sellers, for some reason. (Considering half the machines they install it on have their own OEM licenses anyway.)
Easy explanation.. When you install with a VLK you don't have to connect the machine to the internet to activate the install. Just install and done..

Also, even though a lot of them have OEM COA's on the case sometimes they are at their max number of activations and it takes a phone call to explain that the O/S was reinstalled, due to a hardware change, formatting of the hard drive for sale, whatever. That can take a lot of time if you have a pile of systems to go through.

I used to buy barebones systems off eBay just for the COA on it, then remove it carefully and place it on another system, install XP, and when it won't activate via the internet i just call Microsoft and tell them its a system rebuild and the previous system had a motherboard die or something like that and they will generate a new activation code and reset the number of activations for that key since the system has been rebuilt.

Takes a lot of time to get through the automated phone system and get the real person to chat with, and of course they only speak broken english at best, but at $90 a copy for XP Home it can be worth it if you get a dead computer with COA on the cheap.

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 8:35 pm
by mr.syntrx
I've found that if they refuse to reactivate it, saying "ARE YOU CALLING ME A F*CKING LIAR?" on the phone works well :P

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 8:24 pm
by Adam
When installing Windows XP Pirate edition..

Don't use Windows Update. Go into Control Panel, Security Center and manage settings for Automatic Updates. Adjust the setting to "Download updates for me, but let me decide when to install them."

When updates are ready, go to Custom Install (not Express!) and look for the "Windows Genuine Advantage Notification" patch and DON'T EVER INSTALL IT. This is the parasite that disables XP Pirate edition.

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 2:12 am
by Charlied
Works wonders.
You will need Firefox as your browser though.

Will cure what ails ya....

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 5:23 am
by GlennD
Well, I purchased a set of IBM OEM XP restore disks from Ebay. I am slowly rebuilding the laptop as I have time.

I use the computer at work mainly for programming. Since I have to get 145 XTSs out the door I do not have a lot of spare time lately.

Thanks for all the help.

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 8:40 am
by kb0nly
Adam wrote:When installing Windows XP Pirate edition..

Don't use Windows Update. Go into Control Panel, Security Center and manage settings for Automatic Updates. Adjust the setting to "Download updates for me, but let me decide when to install them."

When updates are ready, go to Custom Install (not Express!) and look for the "Windows Genuine Advantage Notification" patch and DON'T EVER INSTALL IT. This is the parasite that disables XP Pirate edition.
Yep i mentioned that in the thread discussing WGA a while back, however, that only allows you to get critical security updates, not software updates. No big deal if you don't want IE7 or the latest media player.

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 9:34 am
by Charlied

For the above mentioned items