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Cushman CE-50A/TG

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2009 4:57 am
by kcbooboo
Yeah, I know its old, but the price was right. It's mostly working and I'm fixing problems as I find them. I think the unit was dropped as several things on the rear panel were bent, broken, or destroyed.

Anyway, is anybody intimately familiar with these units? I've got a PDF copy of the manual but the exploded diagram is unreadable. I need some help locating assemblies and getting to them, i.e. what to disconnect or remove.

PMs will be fine. No reason to waste storage space in the forum.


Bob M.

Re: Cushman CE-50A/TG

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 2:38 am
by kcbooboo
Progress report: I've gotten most of the unit to function properly. I have two big items remaining and am still looking for someone who has worked on one of these units for assistance.

1. The scope doesn't sync and needs other adjustments, but I can't get to the boards and have no idea how to remove the scope (if that's necessary) or access the cards on each side of it that are behind the two card cages. The manual is totally void of any disassembly procedures. In fact, the only "maintenance" procedures are limited to performance tests and those adjustments.

2. When in Spectrum Analyzer mode, the signal generator seems to output nothing at all. The SA sweeps and displays signals just fine, but the tracking generator output appears to be dead. The manual says very little about the TG, just than "the sig gen gets switched on when needed".

So if anybody has actually worked on one of these and can offer some useful words, I'd still like to hear from you via PM. There must be a few Cushman technicians around somewhere.


Bob M.

May 19 Progress report: I got the sig gen to turn on in spectrum analyzer mode, so now everything seems to be functioning except the scope adjustments and sync. I've also learned how the scope is supposed to come out, so once I do remove it, I can make the adjustments and hopefully fix the lack of sync.

Bob M.