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Spectra ZNUP/ZNDN Button PN

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 7:00 am
by caprice96
As the title says, im looking for the part number for the ZNUP and ZNDN buttons for the spectra. I have searched high and low and can not find them. All I come up with is the PN for the large arrow buttons.

Re: Spectra ZNUP/ZNDN Button PN

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 9:55 am
by jpu535
It's too bad you didn't post this 2 months ago, I just threw out about a hundred of them. I can tell you that they came on a card, part number HLN6571A, along with three blank, one LoPwr, and one Rptr button. I have a sealed card in front of me now that has two on it, but these are the only two I have. That part number is also listed as no longer available.

On MOL, under the Astro Spectra tab, there are part numbers listed for the buttons on the expanded view of the control head parts. They start as 3805672X_ _. You need to fill in the last two digits for the button you want. Unfortunately, the parts list only refers to them as "button, push key" with no description as to what the button says. Maybe parts ID can help you with a search now that you have a partial part number.

Re: Spectra ZNUP/ZNDN Button PN

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 3:04 pm
by Code3
If you order kit HLN6688A, you will get a ZnDn, ZnUp, and a red Emer button.