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Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 10:57 am
by radioguruphil
I have a MSF 5000 CXB vhf Digital capable station. It does not have the encryption board. If I aquire this board and install it, what type of encryption will it pass ? Are they dual mode passing analog voice and encryption at the same time ? Or do you have to find a way to switch it back and forth. I may be looking to purchase the encryption board as well. Thanks for any help.

Re: MSF5000

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 12:41 pm
There are 2 types of encryption boards. One will have like 6 slots in it for encryption modules and will also have a big watch battery for key retention This one also has to be keyloaded and will only allow those keys to pass. It's kindof handy because no one can "hack" your system and use their own key to talk on it.

If you get hold of the sencond type of board which is reffered as a transparent board it will pass any SecureNet protocol it sees, ie: DES, DES-XL, DVP, DVP-XL, DVI, DVI-XL. I'm not sure if it will do the Fasinator Encryption, I never was that lucky to own that encryption device or the keyfill device. But the only bad thing about this one is anyone with SecureNet can use it. I guess it's not really a bad thing it depends on if your more into system integrity or not. But this board could also be more functional than the other style especially if you run a lot of encryption keys.

The board I have and am looking at now is part number:TLN3267A12 and it has firmware version B4.28 in it or that's what the sticker says on it. I know for a fact that this one is the transparent board and will pass anything it sees. I never got around to testing it as I've upgraded to P25 Quantars and have no need for this old stuff.

And to anwser the other question, yes it will pass clear analog traffic or SecureNet coded traffic it will switch according to what the station sees. And if your station is set to send out a callsign every x minutes it will send that in the clear.

Hope this helps you out.

Re: MSF5000

Posted: Sat Dec 26, 2009 2:25 pm
by radioguruphil
Thank you Stu . I do have a keyloader and I have a bunch of Saber secure radios. I also have a Quantar repeater but its about four grand to flash it to do P-25. Then I'll have to get P-25 radios as well.