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USB Problems

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 9:13 pm
by firestick
After all the issues ive posted about in the programming forum i think ive found that its not the cables or software but the computer.

The problem im having is that i cant program any radios via USB even if using a serial converter but when i use just a serial cable it will work ok...this can be a pain cause the only serial i have is on a docking cradle ive found.

Ive noticed that when using other USB devices like thumb drives i dont have any problem it just seams to be stuff like radios thats causing problems.

Im running Win2000 but have also tried the same laptop with XP and same problem. Any ideas?

Re: USB Problems

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:00 pm
by Jim202
firestick wrote:After all the issues ive posted about in the programming forum i think ive found that its not the cables or software but the computer.

The problem im having is that i cant program any radios via USB even if using a serial converter but when i use just a serial cable it will work ok...this can be a pain cause the only serial i have is on a docking cradle ive found.

Ive noticed that when using other USB devices like thumb drives i dont have any problem it just seams to be stuff like radios thats causing problems.

Im running Win2000 but have also tried the same laptop with XP and same problem. Any ideas?

Not all USB to serial converters are made the same. You should get some feedback as to which ones to use. The other suggestion is to stay away from the Win2000 and stick with the XP PRO software. You didn't say which radios your trying to use, but some are more prone to failure using the converters than others.


Re: USB Problems

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 8:18 pm
by firestick
Its a belkin converter and has worked fine in the past...but it seams even in XP it wont work anymore.

Im trying to program a fairley wide range of radios. GM300, GP339 and 328, XTL5000 (W3 and O5) XTS3000 and XTS5000

The O5 XTL5000 i have a usb cable and it has the same problem. I figured at first it was a software, then cable issue but the more i play the more i think its a hardware of OS config problem. In the past there hasent been a problem. Just had a theory that the USB might be timming out.

Re: USB Problems

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 12:19 pm
by tuckerm
Have you tried the latest and greatest driver from Belkin? Make sure it's an XP driver too.

Re: USB Problems

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 8:51 pm
by firestick
Yep tried that as i said though it also effects USB programming cables as well.

Re: USB Problems

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:51 am
by tuckerm
I would seriously try another cable then. I use a Prolific USB to Serial cable and it works perfectly in XP or Win7.

Re: USB Problems

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:33 am
by wavetar
Just so we're clear on what you're saying:

1) You have been using this laptop with Win2000 for programming for some time now, both with direct USB cables for radios such as XTL & such, and though a USB-to-serial converter for others such as GP328.

2) Everything worked fine up to some point recently.

3) Things stopped working recently & you did an amount of troubleshooting with cables, software, etc.

4) You went so far as to reload this same laptop with Win XP, and got the same go even with direct USB cables with an XTL.

5) You haven't tried any other computers.

Is the above all correct?

Re: USB Problems

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:23 am
by firestick
Exactly... this is the only laptop i have.

unless you can use VMWare on a mac

Re: USB Problems

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:13 pm
by wavetar
Was it a 'fresh' XP install or an upgrade?

Does the computer 'see' the XTL at all when you plug in the USB - does the laptop give any audio indication that something has been plugged in? The first time you plugged the XTL in after loading the CPS software, were you prompted to allow a driver installation?

Re: USB Problems

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 3:10 pm
by tuckerm
firestick wrote: unless you can use VMWare on a mac

Re: USB Problems

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 9:47 pm
by firestick
Yep fresh install...i partioned the HD how there are 2 O/S installed so i could test without loosing everything.

When i plug the XTL in it adds the driver for the remote head (as a modem i have noticed...i asked the question in the programming section and it dident help) the first time and after that just a bit of a chirp and not much.

The radio goes into program mode and the CPS gets about 4 to 5 dots into the process and stops. Normaly i would assume that its a cable, CPS or radio issue...but it also happens on a MTR3000 and it uses just a generic usb cable. It does the same thing with all my other radios though a serial to usb converter...but ive tested it on a mates laptop with no issues.

My suspect is a problem with the root hub driver or the serial to usb driver has messed things up.

Really what im trying to gather is weather or not a inned to go a full sweep and clean, can i repair or is it time to find a new laptop.
tuckerm wrote:
firestick wrote: unless you can use VMWare on a mac
I run VMWare at the moment tends to have issues with this kinda USB stuff...there is also a nice technical notice fomr alcatel about never using it to program their gear.

Re: USB Problems

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 9:42 am
by tuckerm
I use my XP VM to program all my radios.

You tried a re-install of the CPS? Full uninstall not just a repair? What about a virus/spyware scan. I've seen some spyware do funky things with drivers.

Re: USB Problems

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 5:28 am
by wavetar
tuckerm wrote:I use my XP VM to program all my radios.

You tried a re-install of the CPS? Full uninstall not just a repair? What about a virus/spyware scan. I've seen some spyware do funky things with drivers.
I believe he has a hardware issue, as he did a clean load of XP & still has the same issues with multiple CPS packages. The UBS root drivers would be all new on the 2nd XP partition, so I can't see it being software related.

One thing in common between the 2000 & XP partitions would be the BIOS...perhaps there is a BIOS update for the laptop you could try? Or even if you have the latest, flashing it again might get things going.

Re: USB Problems

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2011 5:35 am
BIOS or other embedded controller. The USB controller is functioning if it is working with other USB devices and just not the radios.

Re: USB Problems

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:46 pm
by firestick
Yeah i reflashed the BIOS and put in a new HDD. I think it might be the IBM drivers playing up.

I ended up just getting a new laptop and taking the issue as sorted. Thanks for your help everyone