"Parts built" XTS3000 needs service, is RSC OK??

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"Parts built" XTS3000 needs service, is RSC OK??

Post by n7maq »

Hello, I have a "parts built" XTS3000 Astro that needs service(I think). The problem is with the audio, both TX, and RX. The RX audio is rater "flat" with very little audio quality. I also get complaints of "low", "muffled" TX audio when compared to my MTS2000. I would like to send this unit if for repair, but I'm a bit worried about the radio not having any tags. So I have a few questions. First off the info on the radio is,

Falshcode 591008-4F1E00-9
Firmware R07.08.00
DSP N06.04.11

So if I do send this in for repair will they work on it?
What will they do with the Flashcode?
Will they put any kind of tags on it?


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Post by RocketNJ »

For the TX audio, did you make sure TX Pre-emphasis is enabled?

Sounds like programmable settings in the codeplug or it could also be the mod comp alignment is off.

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Post by werdnuts »

then again, sometimes they dont care as long as you pay. i have heard stories of them coming back with crappy flashcodes....
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Dale Earnhardt
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Post by Dale Earnhardt »

In the radio wide option, you can turn on the gain on the Tx more to the right level, had to do that to my AS3
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Post by Will »

Yea, Dale, that is why we can tell it's you!!!

What the XTS3000 needs is a complete alignment and compensation due to all the softpot settings being off kilter. This happens when you clone the radio or force in another radio's code plug. It happened to Dave's Astro, same thing, had to put the orig code plug back in.

And yes, I align and compensate them.
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Post by alex »

r0f, I wouldn't bother. I don't want there being any issues with the board because of that information being posted here.

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Post by Alan »

What if I hack mot.com and put it on their main page?
That's when they send out the "secret" squad and go through your locker and "confiscate" your radios.

You don't want that to happen, do you?
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Post by RocketNJ »

Sort of back on subject ROF has a good point in that a lot of people that have "parts built" radios or have radios that been modified by stuffing a new codeplug in from a different radio fail to realize the radio's alignment is not correct.

Even legit radios will have their reference oscillator drift over time. The best thing to do is find a reputable shop and have the radio PM'ed (includes realigning it). If the radio is going to be used to transmit on commercial or public safety then the PM should be done annually. If it is for amateur or monitoring I'd suggest every other year. Purchased radios should be PM'ed initially.

I've seen too many service calls about system coverage problems or audio complaints that wind up being subscriber units out of alignment.

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Post by n7maq »

Just a bit of history on the radio in question, it is one of Nick's units. The person I got it from was told that the "everything was in order" as far as alignment. But I have to question that, and with the DSP, and Astro I would prefer to drop the $$$ (less than 300) into it for RSC to do it. The boys in Rockford do the best job, for a very fair price. That is why I would like them to do it. I was just wondering what would happen if it went in, not WHY it needs to get repaied/aligned.


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Post by joeyb »

I have sent two "parts built" AS III's to the depot for tuning, PM, etc. Both had the same Sick crazy flashcode that is usually found in these radios.

This 1st one came back with exacty the same flashcode and even a 1MB flash sticker on the back. The depot paperwork said they tuned it a replaced an RF shield of some sort.

about a month later I send in the 2nd AS III. This time it came back with just a basic flashcode (conventional Operation). The depot paperwork said they tuned it, and the radio had an invalid flashcode. they did however put the 1MB flash sticker on the case.

In both cases the radios serial #'s were changed to what I believe they call a "depot" serial # and the proper s/n stickers were affixed to the cases.

so I guess its up to what tech you get at the Rockford depot......

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What radios do you own?: Mocom 70 w/scan!!

Post by n7maq »

Joe, thanks for responding. This is what I wanted to find out, from someone with firsthand experience.

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295.00 Dealer cost

Post by tirelesswireless »

is a lot to pay for what seems to be an alignment issue. They will replace your housing if bad.

A"TRUE alignment takes about 1 hr. and corrects many issues. Anyone doing it in less is cutting corners.

The only real issue M has is encryption modules. If yours is bad expect it to remain that way. Removing it entirely might correct a problem or two. :D

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Treading Carefully

Post by BORG337 »

Hope I've clicked on the right thing here.

Hi to Elroy if reading and others who helped me a LONG time ago !

Without breaching the regs of this place i walk into no mans land
and ask a probably stupid question as i haven't read up on all
topics here as theres hundreds/thousands?

As being one of the few legit private owners of an ancient model
XTS3000 (it cameout with dos software lol).

And only recently have i bothered to get a new revision.

I've become bitterly dissapointed to find my hopes of going
digital in anyway shape or form no matter how well advertised
by corporation concerned to be well "A waste of time?"

Is it the same with everyone here or is this just an Australian
beaurocracy issue?

I'm curious to the people playing with this stuff atm has any of
it been purchased new or is it mainly surplus and bits and pieces
gathered over time etc?

I found it interesting that the Big M and all they're reps here
say NUP NUP you'll need an export permit or something?
Due to it being technollogy developed for government agencies.

Looking at the website and stuff this certainly seems the case
they've pushed all the digital terminollogy into the gov sector
yet we can still buy XTS's etc for conventional purposes?

Are this lot just being a pack of ........ (don't answer that)
or is this really trade practice?

All the reps and sales staff here are so brainwashed by GRN
policy dictated by the big M and the mongrell T i say no more.

But doing business with them seems impossible?

Why can you buy this stuff on auction sites and yet where told
here in Oz that it must have accompanying paperwork and licensing
and it's a whole big flying circus by the sounds of it?

Can anyone shed more light on the situation cos this
is ridiculous i've effectivelly got a $4000 doorstop as far as
i'm concerned why buy it if i can't get full use of it?

I'd rather have gone tetra or dimetra or something the private/comercial sector can use if i knew that in advance.

Thanks Big M for being so quick to grab my cash through natwire
but your after sales service SUX !

And thats not being nasty for no reason these sods have put me through
hell only to find a brickwall.
My apollogies for ranting but it's not nice being decieved by a Global
corporation who at the time said "YEP NO WORRIES"
this was before the GRN came after Sydney olympics was over
the flying circus began and they changed they're tune.


I'll be having serious words with Santa this year !
The Big M has left the building !!
Can't you tell it's bleeding through the FM band?
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Locker radio.

Post by scanman »

Hey shaun, want to buy a ASIII that smells of a locker room? will sell cheap but only to you!! :-)))))
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Post by scanman »

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