I am trying to convert some 900 MHz Maxtrac trunking radios for amateur use. I want to use them as linking radios. I acquired some FVN4019A conventional firmware and I was attempting to change them into a conventional radio when I ran into a problem. I cannot get the radio to recognize the new firmware.
I blanked the logic board after installation with the trunking RSS and reinitialized the logic board. That works ok except the codeplug still shows the radio as a trunking radio. If I try to reinitialize it with the conventional RSS it shows the radio as incompatable. I was able to blank the logic board with the conventional RSS and reinitalize it as a conventional 800MHz radio. Where am I going wrong? Can I initialize it as a 800 MHz radio and then hack the code plug? I would appreciate any assistance you could give.
Changing 900 MHz Maxtrac from Trunking to Conventional
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Earlier versions of the Maxtrac RSS did not know about 900 MHz radios.
You obviously have to have LAB to blank the board, but if the version you have is too old to allow you to initialize a 900 radio, you can re-initialize the radio with conventional RSS. You just need a new enough version that knows about 900.
That is the same process your local radio shop uses when they get a replacement logic board from the parts department - and they don't have LAB.
You obviously have to have LAB to blank the board, but if the version you have is too old to allow you to initialize a 900 radio, you can re-initialize the radio with conventional RSS. You just need a new enough version that knows about 900.
That is the same process your local radio shop uses when they get a replacement logic board from the parts department - and they don't have LAB.