Alright, I have been playing around with some stuff and still trying to get some of the coding to work.
This is what I would like to see, and if you can play along, this should work nicely.
Instead of creating multiple articles for the SAME radio, please EDIT the article for the radio (if there is one) and ADD to it. This way, we will not see multiple articles all with the topic of "Astro Spectra".
There are phpBB commands for creating a Table of Contents then spliting the article up. This way, we can have a Title Page of "ASTRO Spectra" with contents such as "Accessories", Encyption, whatever.
Until the commands are operational, just go to the end of the article and add what you need. Just seperate the sections with bold print. Normal phpBB formating will work in the articles. When the code is updated to allow the TOC commands, we can go back and edit the article to break it up where it needs to be.
If you can sucessfully do it in HTML, give it a shot.
I did this for now. At least its a start:
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This forum houses the BatBoard Knowledge Base. In here you will find sub forums which will have articles written to help support and guide your way through the Motorola world. These topics cover everything from Centracom's to product pricing. The topics shown in this forum are from the old Batboard version 2.x boards, and links will not work. Feel free to post requests for articles or other information you think should be posted in here.
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READ BEFORE YOU SUBMIT - Article structure
Lowband radio. The original and non-complicated wide area interoperable communications system

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