FAQ: What is considered appropriate for the board?

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Joined: Thu Mar 04, 2004 10:53 am

FAQ: What is considered appropriate for the board?

Post by akardam »

This is a very good question. If you believe that your post contains material that you would consider out of the scope for "family viewing" then I would suggest that you don't post it.

This includes vulgar language, slander, pornographic photos, etc. If you are going to post something that might be borderline, make sure you explain what you are posting in the first place, and what the appropriate audience is.

If we find your post objectional, or a member complains about your post, it will be removed from the board, including all subsequent discussion. We will kindly warn you not to do it again. If we find that you have done it again, we will:
  • Give you a warning under your name
  • Suspend your account
  • Terminate your membership on the board.
This will be determined on a case by case basis.
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