NEW WGA Patch Released Today, WOW... Microsoft did it again

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NEW WGA Patch Released Today, WOW... Microsoft did it again

Post by kb0nly »

Just to let everyone know, if your running a copy of XP that isn't legit, or running it on two of your personally owned computers watch out! Microsoft released a WGA, Windows Genuine Advantage, patch today that keeps you from using your installed copy of windows!

Here is what happens, the WGA patch installs and your computer wants to reboot, you reboot and then you get a few additions to the Welcome screen. The first most obvious is an added graphic in the bottom right of the screen about running pirated software. Next is a popup box with the option to either shutdown the computer or you have to wait for the countdown timer on the grayed out ok button. After you wait you can click ok and get to the desktop but then you get an icon in the tray that keeps popping up nagging stuff about piracy, etc.

The next thing that happens is every ten minutes or so of use you get a warning window about piracy and you have to wait for the countdown timer to expire again. You can NOT uninstall the update to revert back and you will either have to format and reinstall or restore if you have partition backup software installed, or a system recovery cd if you have an OEM install but used a duplicate key, etc.

Also a repair install will NOT correct this either.

How do i know about this already? Simple, my phone has been ringing off the friggin hook since about 7am with everyone that got nuked for using their brothers or sisters, or mom's, etc, cd key when they reinstalled because they couldn't find theirs. Add your excuse here... LOL

If your using a pirated cd key, or your using more than one computer in your home with the same cd key, yes its possible but NO i will not mention how, then i suggest you disconnect any internet connection, or if your on dialup do not connect, and refuse all updates until you back up your personal data and then seek a legit copy of windows. Microsoft appears to have officially sealed the hole on XP piracy. Word is that those running 64 Bit versions also got bit by this as well.

Oh well, good for me and my wallet, bad for those who were trying to get by with a pirated copy. I see at least a week of ten hour days reinstalling systems with new legit copies of XP.
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Post by wavetar »

I have the corporate verison with the volume CD key :D

It's also possible to change the 'regular' version to the corporate...but I'll leave it to Google to explain that.

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Post by kb0nly »

Corporate version is just as screwed, so don't think your safe!!

I just tried this on a Corp version with volume cd key on a used computer i had on the shelf as a spare. Same results after the WGA install.

It also couldn't download updates from windows update because it wouldn't pass the WGA verification on the windows update website.

So i waited for a while and let it run and it eventually got the notice about the automatic updates available, updated, rebooted, and tada, nuked by WGA.
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Post by kb0nly »

After getting a few PM's and emails, let me state this...

The Corporate version bypasses windows ACTIVATION, when you install and put in the Corp cd key it bypasses having to activate your install with the activation server using an internet connection.

WGA is related to windows update. When you go to windows update, or the newer Microsoft Update, your required to validate your system as authentic and genuine. All Corp keys floating around out there will bomb this test because they have been blacklisted.

However, there was a couple cracks to get around the WGA until now. The first was to disable the WGA browser plugin, then microsoft disabled that ability with the next patch and you had to patch a file on your system called legitcheck.dll to get it working again. Then today the next bomb dropped. It rewrites so many files and registry locations it's insane. And the popups and warnings are not removable or avoidable. I'm sure with time someone will learn how to defeat it, but i'm not holding my breath until they do, i would surely sufficate first. There is a lot of chatter on the net about the new patch, and it caught so many by surprise that i think everyone it got is still trying to recover to find a repair.
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Post by kcbooboo »

I guess being legit saved me. I got a message this morning about updates available, but nothing ever happened, so I went in manually and d/l'd the two. It rebooted and I saw nothing change at all. So for those of us who have a legitimate copy (mine came pre-installed by Dell), there's absolutely nothing to worry about, or so it seems.

I wonder what kind of tricks they'll dream up for the next release of an operating system. Of course, if they sold it for a reasonable price, maybe more people would buy it.

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Post by alex »

Have you tested and seen the results when using a SUS server?

You should in theory be able to refuse that update, and it won't get pushed out to clients.

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Post by kb0nly »

kcbooboo wrote:I guess being legit saved me. I got a message this morning about updates available, but nothing ever happened, so I went in manually and d/l'd the two. It rebooted and I saw nothing change at all. So for those of us who have a legitimate copy (mine came pre-installed by Dell), there's absolutely nothing to worry about, or so it seems.

I wonder what kind of tricks they'll dream up for the next release of an operating system. Of course, if they sold it for a reasonable price, maybe more people would buy it.

Bob M.
Yes, as i mentioned this only really affects those using questionable copies, etc. All OEM versions should be fine, though some problems are starting to crop up with the WGA conflicting with various Nvidia drivers. More on that development later....

The next 32bit o/s is on the way, only nicknamed so far and probably a year or more from release at the rate of problems they are having with it, but on the way nonetheless.
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Post by kb0nly »

alex wrote:Have you tested and seen the results when using a SUS server?

You should in theory be able to refuse that update, and it won't get pushed out to clients.

I don't have a SUS server running here, but i did make a quick phone call to one company that i help out often. The word there is the latest WGA is required to authorize all systems to receive updates from the SUS Server as well. Some of the latest updates will not install unless the system can provide WGA info to them. So stopping it from going out to the clients is a moot point.

Now i haven't seen this first hand, so i can't guarantee that's the case, but i have been told this by some reliable sources. Microsoft made it MANDATORY from now on, all systems must be verified as running a genuine copy of XP before the update(s) will install.
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Post by kb0nly »

Just another note, you can also set Automatic Updates to Notify me but don't automatically download or install them, this way you can be notified of the updates available and deselect the WGA update and install others.

Then when you click download it will warn you that updates that are not selected will not be download. Just check the box next to don't notify me about these updates again and continue installing the updates you want.
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Post by Jim2121 »

all mine came with Dell. someone sent me this site

have no reason to try it.. wonder if it works?
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Re: :

Post by kb0nly »

Jim2121 wrote:all mine came with Dell. someone sent me this site

have no reason to try it.. wonder if it works?
That was the original WGA release, we are two versions past that now. The Java hacks no longer work.
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Post by wavetar »

kb0nly wrote:
WGA is related to windows update. When you go to windows update, or the newer Microsoft Update, your required to validate your system as authentic and genuine. All Corp keys floating around out there will bomb this test because they have been blacklisted.
Mine's legit, just updated with no issues.
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Post by kb0nly »

Then ya ain't got nuttin to worry about!

I had 15 phone calls today from people trying to find someone to "get their puter working again" because they had duplicate or pirated keys.
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Post by kb0nly »

Here is what you shall see.. The OK button is grayed out at first with a countdown timer. Some are reporting that they also get a shutdown button, i haven't personally witnessed that. Here is screenshots from one site showing what i have seen though.


After logging in and getting to the desktop.


The tray icon and bubble.


If you have a pirated Corp version and the new WGA get's installed you will get a slightly different startup, it will tell you that your O/S is not only pirated but also needs to now be activated since the Corp key originally defeated the activation. This also applies to other ways, hacks, to defeat the activation.


The web page you will be taken to after clicking on the notification icon added to the tray.

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Post by OX »

I'm running Corp Edition with the particular CD Key being licensed for around 1,000,000 licenses. I've got it installed on several machines and no problemo.

As for WGA, it makes sense that they're going to block you from Windows updates if the OS fails the WGA requirements. They do this with all of the demo versions of Microsoft OS. I'm sure that someone who has the legit software and current updates could publish the already downloaded and installed patch executables for others to install.

I say, go back to DOS! That would confuse just about everyone.

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Post by kb0nly »

OX wrote:I'm running Corp Edition with the particular CD Key being licensed for around 1,000,000 licenses. I've got it installed on several machines and no problemo.

As for WGA, it makes sense that they're going to block you from Windows updates if the OS fails the WGA requirements. They do this with all of the demo versions of Microsoft OS. I'm sure that someone who has the legit software and current updates could publish the already downloaded and installed patch executables for others to install.

I say, go back to DOS! That would confuse just about everyone.

I just read the next newest post and it is a DOS question. No harm intended.
If you are using the key i'm thinking about, i know pretty much all of them, try going to the validation page and try it, i bet it fails. And sure it's working no problemo, until you get the WGA update installed. ... fault.mspx

I haven't been able to get a Corp key working yet with the WGA and windows update. And i have at least a dozen keys that are Corp ones that bypass activation.

Again, we are not talking activation, we are talking validation to run windows update and to keep the WGA update at bay.
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Post by alex »

<--- still uses windows 2000...

Ha, Look. No problems.

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Post by kb0nly »

I'm leaning towards no windows at all on the second computer, probably SuSE 10.0 since i have been playing around with that lately.
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Post by OX »

kb0nly wrote:If you are using the key i'm thinking about, i know pretty much all of them, try going to the validation page and try it, i bet it fails. And sure it's working no problemo, until you get the WGA update installed. ... fault.mspx

I haven't been able to get a Corp key working yet with the WGA and windows update. And i have at least a dozen keys that are Corp ones that bypass activation.

Again, we are not talking activation, we are talking validation to run windows update and to keep the WGA update at bay.
I wasn't talkin activation either. This wasn't the first Genuine Advantage Tool installation that I've gotten through flawlessly. No hacking performed because it's 100% legit. Man I feel powerful now. Kinda like if someone had the MTSX L06.07 and wouldn't share it. No pressure. If only the superpowers could meet....just call me Super OX.
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Post by JAYMZ »

Or you can use FireFox when getting your updates. Because FireFox tends not to run ActiveX scripts it won't go through validation and just push you to the next step.

Just my experience. Not that I have anything to worry about. All legit keys here.

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Post by kb0nly »

I'll bet FireFox won't work since the ActiveX has to run to scan your computer for which updates you need. I'm going to try that on the test machine for the heck of it since others have asked about using another browser.

If OX is running a Corp key that he didn't purchase the licensing for he will be zapped by WGA eventually. Microsoft released some statements about it, they stated that all Corporate installs will be verfied by geographical location, which the WGA does report your ip address which tells them the location. According to them this is the only information collected, but something tells me they aren't telling the whole truth.

Anyway, if the key was originally registered to a company in New York and someone is running that Corp key in say Florida, then its determined that they are running a pirated copy. This is the next WGA wave coming.
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Post by JAYMZ »

I've been able to run Windows update on my computer with FireFox since the beginning. But again. My keys are legit... Each machine has it's own OEM key... so I am not terribly worried about any of this. Anyone with legit software should never have anything to worry about. Unless someone steals your key.

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Post by kb0nly »

JAYMZ wrote:I've been able to run Windows update on my computer with FireFox since the beginning. But again. My keys are legit... Each machine has it's own OEM key... so I am not terribly worried about any of this. Anyone with legit software should never have anything to worry about. Unless someone steals your key.
I have Firefox on one computer but i haven't tried windows update with it, i haven't even hardly used it, just don't care for the way it displays some websites.

My copies are legit, but i know plenty of people's who are not.
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Post by OX »

kb0nly wrote:If OX is running a Corp key that he didn't purchase the licensing for he will be zapped by WGA eventually. Microsoft released some statements about it, they stated that all Corporate installs will be verfied by geographical location, which the WGA does report your ip address which tells them the location. According to them this is the only information collected, but something tells me they aren't telling the whole truth.
I see a big lawsuit if this is the case. How many pieces of corporate hardware reside within the scope of one IP address or for that fact one location in the globe? Take for instance that I work for a global technology company. A sizable quantity of the corporate computer assets float from network to network (home ISP's and corporate WAN). Some actually get plugged into customer networks, networks at coffee houses, airports, libraries and various other wireless hotspots and even different branch offices as staff travel from location to location to perform their assigned tasks.

I by no means am a WGA expert. I do know the extent of the license in which I use. If MS wants to track the location of my IP, so be it. According to their location based Active-X control that I installed, my location is in the middle of a corn field east of Akron, Ohio. Knowing that it is off by a couple hundred miles makes me think that they don't know their a$$ from a hole in the ground.

I don't think there's anything to worry about. I know where my key came from and who gave it to me and that the key is nowhere near maxed out (it did not come from the web and is not published there). I think Microsoft may target certain corporate keys, ones that end up having more licenses than were purchased. But if a certain institution purchases a million licenses and is not using all of them, then that is money in the bank and shouldn't be screwed with.

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Post by kb0nly »

My guess is there is going to be some kind of database to check against. If the company who owns the key says all of their equipment is located in location "A" and a computer shows up using their key in location "B" and the company doesn't claim it as theirs then its nailed.

As for people on the go with a laptop and Corp key it might come down to recognizing it by the computer or Netbios name, etc. Since someone pirating the key wouldn't be likely to have the exact info needed. Anyway, a lot of talk but nothing from Micro$hit yet. I'm waiting for their next press release regarding it.
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Post by Squad581 »

I call total ******** on this. If you're still convinced that this is what is causing your problems, look here for the simple bypass. :roll:

kb0nly, I fail to see how this is "news". WGA has been around for some time... what provoked you to tell/scare the world about it now?

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Post by kb0nly »

Squad581 wrote:I call total ******** on this. If you're still convinced that this is what is causing your problems, look here for the simple bypass. :roll:

kb0nly, I fail to see how this is "news". WGA has been around for some time... what provoked you to tell/scare the world about it now?

- Squad581
PLEASE READ the rest of the posts. THAT IS THE OLD WGA and will NO LONGER WORK WITH THIS RELEASE... Geez.. That SIMPLE bypass hasn't worked for two releases now!! That bypass worked on the original rollout only, the next rollout disabled access to disable it through the Add-Ons list and the only way to get around it was to patch the legitcheckcontrol.dll file, that worked for a couple weeks then this release rolled out.

If you think your SIMPLE BYPASS will still work then go for it, put the latest WGA on and get all the annoying popups then try to disable it. You can disable the notifications temporarily and the windows support site tells you how, but it keeps coming back and disabling the notifications while in use doesn't remove the notifications when you reach the welcome screen during boot.

That was a way to circumvent the older WGA that just kept you from using windows update. The new WGA installs all the warning popups and so forth as shown in the pictures above, it also continues to nag you while using windows, and later crap hits the fan when it keeps interrupting windows and you have to click away the notice again.

Here, now i will roll my eyes at your ignorance. :roll: :roll:

As for why i posted about it, i own/operate a computer repair/support business and i have been running my butt off and getting sick of the phone ringing from all those running a pirated copy who got hit by this latest WGA released on April 25th. I have legit copies myself so no problems here, but it's getting to be a tiring stream of those who got windows from their brother, mother, etc...
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Post by RESCUE161 »

What about using the key that MS gives you when you download their trial version and using a "Time Bomb" removal tool?
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Post by kb0nly »

Not sure if that would work anymore or not.

Here is what i do know the new WGA installs updated copies of the following.


It also made many changes to the registry. I put a reg tracker on the test computer and installed the WGA update and rebooted. I'm sorting through the changes now.

I got some spare time this afternoon and i'm going to once again infest the test machine with this crap and work with it some more. The test machine is running a copy of XP Pro with one of the commonly known Corp keys floating around on the net. This should prove to be an accurate example of most pirated copies out there for testing to see what Microsoft is really doing now. Later plans also include monitoring everything being sent back and forth from the test machine to the internet.
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Post by RESCUE161 »

I'd test it out, but the only two computers that I have that can run XP already have legit copies. My other computers are too old/slow...
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Post by swest »

I have never had automatic updates turned on. Anyone worth their salt downloads them individually anyway and should obviously skip WGA if they arent legit. WGA boo hoo... not even mildly annoying.

And the corp keys being 'checked by location' haha yeah right. I spent an entire summer for a client installing xp corp (legit) on over 500 laptops that made it to the remote sales agents all over the country and some outside the USA. This was just ONE company..
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Post by kb0nly »

Unfortunately not everyone knows they aren't legit, and most people just leave it set to whatever windows put it as default, etc.

The computer savy ones aren't likely to get into trouble with WGA.

However, there sure has been a lot of phone calls here about it. Usually starts with "my brother installed this" "borrowed a copy from my sister" "a family friend helped install" etc... LOL
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Post by wavetar »

Ok, the thread went along fine until a step-by-step post was made to show how to bypass the current WGA. This forum isn't for any type of Windows hacking. I don't really care for the arguement that "legit" users have the right to know how to bypass the updates...there are a million other sites to get that type of info from. Discuss the fact that Microsoft is a pain in the arse all you want, but stop at posting circumvention techniques. I split the one post in question from the thread.

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Post by kb0nly »

This isn't how to circumvent it!

The WGA will still need to be installed to run windows update or get any support from Microsoft.

This is just how to remove the update that was installed to get the system back to the way it was. Then you can backup data and reinstall a legitimate copy. I'm not suggesting that you remove the WGA update and keep going on about your business since you will not be able to receive any software updates. At this time Microsoft is still allowing critical security updates to users who fail WGA, but that may well change sometime soon as well.

There isn't a workaround or way to circumvent the WGA with the latest version since the windows update server asks for the correct response, and if it doesn't get it then you fail and no updates.

When they release IE 7, should be soon i hope, then if you can't pass WGA you won't be able to get it. Not just talking about downloading, we know that it will be available elsewhere other than windows update when it's released, the installer will halt and cancel if the current WGA is not installed and validated.

By all means, if your not running a legit copy please do so!!

XP Home can be had cheaply now, most places sell it for less with a hardware purchase and most users have no need for a few extra features that Pro provides.

I was just trying to help those who want to backup everything and go legit with a fresh install.
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Post by RESCUE161 »

kb0nly wrote:XP Home can be had cheaply now, most places sell it for less with a hardware purchase and most users have no need for a few extra features that Pro provides.
From my understanding, XP Home/Pro/Media/etc. are all the same anyway, just a registry change.
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Post by kb0nly »

Yep, now they are after SP2. The first thing you will notice after installing SP2 is that during boot it doesn't show Professional or Home Edition on the logo of the loading screen anymore.

The Pro does have a few minor networking features that are valuable to a business environment, but not something to worry about for 90% of the people using it.

Home is cheap now days. Most large online retailers, like Newegg, Tiger Direct, and numerous others, have the OEM version that they sell cheaper with hardware. Buy a cheap stick of memory or a mouse and get the Windows XP Home for OEM prices.
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Post by RESCUE161 »

Mine came on the PCs when I bought them new. Key is stickered on the side of the machines.

I use Windows 2000 on my other PCs with no problems, so I'll stick with it.
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Post by kb0nly »

There is a funny story about those COA labels on the computers. The local Wal-Mart has computers running and on display, three of which were running XP Home, and one was running Pro. Well, when they put them out on display they just took them out of the box and fired em up. Since they didn't have internet to them they would all need to be activated by phone, so for the first week they were running on display they had the popup in the tray saying that this copy needs to be activated, etc.

To make a long story short, someone come along and saw that, wrote down the keys from each computer and activated them on other computers. Then the Wal-Mart came along and activated theirs but had to prove over the phone they had rights to those keys since someone else activated and registered them. From what i heard they couldn't track anyone down though because they were registered to names like J. Doe, etc.

I always thought it was stupid to put the COA in plain sight. Even if it was activated and registered if someone writes down your key they can call the activation line and all it takes is a few minutes of fast talking the guy on the phone and you get activated. I always put the COA on the back of the computer for homes, and inside the case for a business where it has more exposure, after all if the key is needed it only takes a few seconds to pop off the side.
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Post by wavetar »

kb0nly wrote: I always thought it was stupid to put the COA in plain sight. Even if it was activated and registered if someone writes down your key they can call the activation line and all it takes is a few minutes of fast talking the guy on the phone and you get activated. I always put the COA on the back of the computer for homes, and inside the case for a business where it has more exposure, after all if the key is needed it only takes a few seconds to pop off the side.
Good advice.
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Post by RadShop »

Hehe. My ex needed me to "work" on her laptop. Wanted a new copy of XP. Her CD key has been used too many times, so I got one off the 'net.

"Oops". Guess I should have told her about this. :evil:
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Post by kb0nly »

RadShop_Intern wrote:Hehe. My ex needed me to "work" on her laptop. Wanted a new copy of XP. Her CD key has been used too many times, so I got one off the 'net.

"Oops". Guess I should have told her about this. :evil:
Ex.. Hmm. Nope, just makes it revenge eh? LOL
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Post by RadShop »

kb0nly wrote:Ex.. Hmm. Nope, just makes it revenge eh? LOL

...Exactly my thoughts too. :evil:
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Post by kb0nly »

Since it was brought up, i tried Firefox with windows update just for the heck of it... Just as i suspected, doesn't work. It redirects you to a page with a white background and the following text.

Thank you for your interest in obtaining updates from our site.

To use this site, you must be running Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or later.

To upgrade to the latest version of the browser, go to the Internet Explorer Downloads website.

If you prefer to use a different web browser, you can obtain updates from the Microsoft Download Center or you can stay up to date with the latest critical and security updates by using Automatic Updates. To turn on Automatic Updates:

1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
2. Depending on which Control Panel view you use, Classic or Category, do one of the following:
* Click System, and then click the Automatic Updates tab.
* Click Performance and Maintenance, click System, and then click the Automatic Updates tab.
3. Click the option that you want. Make sure Automatic Updates is not turned off.
It mentions that you can use the Microsoft Download Center instead, and i tried that for the heck of it and downloaded various things. Some worked, some would complain about not using IE5 or later when i clicked on the download links. Looks as if Microsoft is keeping other browsers from using windows update as well as some downloads now.
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Post by Batman »

just turn off automatic updates and use this....

problem solved:)
Thank You,

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Post by kb0nly »

That's actually a really good alternative. Especially if you've had your share of WU problems. Started encountering a new one last week, people were calling me saying that windows update was giving them a message about not having all the files registered to run, blah blah..

Turned out to be a problem with a previous update that screwed things up. You have to register msxml3.dll and then it will work again.
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Post by Jim2121 »

Again tonite I went to the MS download website with my SAME notebook and, this is the third time that MS downloaded the WGA validation software. Since the very top post.

any reason for these repeat's?

have a safe weekend !!!!!!!
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Post by kb0nly »

Yep, there is a reason, if you look at the file versions before an after they change each time. They are actually continuously making changes to keep up with some guys figuring out how to get around it, and of course fine tuning it before being used with Vista.

Same old Microsoft story, patch and patch, and patch it again.
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Post by tvsjr »

kb0nly wrote:Yep, there is a reason, if you look at the file versions before an after they change each time. They are actually continuously making changes to keep up with some guys figuring out how to get around it, and of course fine tuning it before being used with Vista.

Same old Microsoft story, patch and patch, and patch it again.
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Post by kb0nly »


Yep, that's Microsoft.
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Post by Jim2121 »

got an email today from a friend in Phoenix....

Published Thursday 8th June 2006 13:06 GMT ... ones_home/

wonder what took them so long?
and another BIG patch next tuesday......about NINE of them ... _for_june/
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