Most Unusual Comm. Monitored ?

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Most Unusual Comm. Monitored ?

Post by RadioSouth »

Since we're all radio enthusiasts here and collectively have logged an
ludicrous amount of monitoring hours I'll ask: What's the most Unusual,
Interesting Comm's. you have monitored ?(If your story involves law enforcement comm's. I believe the law which prevents us from divulging
content to a 3rd party is still in effect so let's be careful with that one).
Mine would be:
1) Monitored an aircraft hijacking in the 70's where the hijacker was making his demands over aircraft radio. Lived close enough to the airport
where I could here it with my 1st monitor radio- Webcor S/W-PSB radio.
2) Heard a state's governor on a phone call from his helo which he apparently thought was private. (Pre ECPA)
3) DEA surveillance which involved about 6 vehicles and went about 100 miles, then I got THE FULL MONTY when an agent had an open mic. during
the takedown- #@*(&&^$^ (Pre DES)
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Post by N9LLO »

I was tuning around the 12 meg marine band one evening when I
overheard Dr. Ballard contacting Woods Hole with the news that they had found the Titanic.

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Post by evanh »

About 27 years ago, I was still pretty new to scanning law enforcement.
One day I walked in to the room and flipped on the scanner.
On the state's point-to-point frequency, I overheard a civil defense exercise already in progress.

Imagine hearing that much of one of your neighboring community has been destroyed and that food and supplies are needed.

After hearing the same script repeated three or four times word-for-word,
and hearing of no public safety movement, it was becoming clear that
it was just some sort of exercise.


Around that same time period, I was monitoring the state highway patrol and
overheard several different troop headquarters dispatching reports of UFO sightings around the
southern half of the state.

Those are about the only two events that stick out of the run of the mill license checks.

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Post 9/11

Post by willbartlett »

Listening to the floor by floor and then room by room sweep of the marriot by Boston PD on sept 12th, turns out it was a credit card mishap, but the SWAT team was in the clear on the primary dispatch before a commander came on and ordered everyone "Tactical". Chilling......

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Post by wa2zdy »

The first time I ever heard a car phone conversation, must be about 25 years ago on the old IMTS system on 152 MHz. I heard this guy in his car cussing his girlfriend out, calling her EVERY name in the book (plus a few I'm sure aren't there yet), making threats that STILL make my hair stand on end to think about. And the whole time she was whimpering "but I love you, I love you." Chilling? You bet, even now, all these years later.

To have the $$$ to spend for that IMTS phone and to "talk" at length like that, this guy must have been loaded. And sometimes I think about it and wonder what became of her. Downright scary, and almost makes me ashamed to be a man. Too many women treated like that, and I had to hear that one.

Losers come in all flavours, I heard only one of many. Pathetic.
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Post by KG6EAQ »

This almost goes to the dumbest thing.... I had turned my scanner onto the local PD thinking I had set it into manual mode. Well it was really in scan mode and hit the bank of FRS freq's, I started listening to what I thought were PD officers trying to sound like kids! I listened for about a minute until I heard "You cheater! I shot you!". Of course when I look up at the scanner.. they stopped long enough for it to scan again and hit the PD. So I go back to working and it picks up the FRS again, this time I look up and see the 462 freq and realize that it is FRS and not the PD.. it was just kids playing paintball in the field by my house! Talk about thinking I was an idiot!
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Post by Radio_Cowboy »

Hmm, Well I don't know if this is all that weird, but it sure was funny!

A few years back when I was in the central Indiana area, I had the ol scanner on, and it stopped on the Point to point freq of 155.370 (most of the PD departments in Indiana have that one as a radio link to call each other on...kind of the PD Party line) and I hear these two guys having a plain ol convo on there. "where you at" ? "I'm at mile marker 21" "did you see that chick in the red corvette" that type of stuff....Well, finally the District 52 Indiana State police dispatcher comes on and askes these guys to identify themselves, and their response was " Get off our channel...we baught the rights to this channel at DAYTON" (which was the previous weekend!) :roll:

I wonder if that means I can get MY own frequency by buying a radio at dayton that has it already programmed in it? :lol:

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Post by wa2zdy »

Buy A frequency? Heck, they're almost giving ham licenses away for the asking now. Soon they will be. Why settle for only ONE freq?
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Post by nmfire10 »

Maybe I can make some cash on eBay that way. I'll make an auction.....

For Sale: 462.975. $200.00.
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eBay at it's finest:
Me: "What exactly is a 900Mhz UHF CB?"
Them: "A very nice CB at 900Mhz speed!"

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Post by JAYMZ »

Well to be honest I never heard this transmition first hand but this is a famous story around Sullivan County.

About 6 years ago there was a record breaking barn fire in the Beechwoods area in Sullivan County(Hortonville Fire District). If I remember correctly 23 departments(out of 40 in the county, and several pulled from Wayne Co PA and Delaware Co NY) were there and most of them were on the scene for something like 3 days(as the story goes as I've been told). Now Hortonville is just about on the Delaware River in the northwestern side of the county. As the fire was progressing into the evening the fire coordinator on scene at the time(I won't say who, but anyone who lives near Sullivan will know....) decided he wanted a light truck at the scene. Not an unreasonable request since a decent amount of departments nearby in the county have some pretty decent light set-ups. So he puts in a request that went something like.."53 Control, I would like Bloomingburg to the scene with lights". As insignificant as that may sound it goes likt this....Bloomingburg is the furthest point there is to have in Sullivan County from Hortonville something like 45 miles or so(maybe more I never clocked it). So now the dispatcher working the fire that day(who is well known for always being all business on the radio....) comes back with.."Chief you want WHO!? For WHAT!?". Not sensing he might have done something a little silly he repeated his request..... Tones roll for Bloomingburg signal 14 Mutual Aid request your lights to assist in Hortonville at a structure fire.

Doesn't sound like much but knowing the people involved make it so much better. To this day the coordinator will come into the center looking for something and say"Hey guys I need something...."..."Ok *name deleted* shall we page out Bloomingburg to help you out?"

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Post by nmfire10 »

That tape is some scary stuff. The kind of thing I don't ever want to have a unit call in to me. All I could do is listen and talk, nothing else.

When I was a dispatcher for the CT DEP at Hammo, we had one peticular employee who had moved up here from South Carolina. He has a very strong southern accent. It so happens that on our frequency, we got massive skip from Sugarbush State Park (something like that) in Florida, where they also had a very strong accent. Well, our guy calls in, I answer with "Go Ahead", and before he can give me the message, the skip blasted over him, sounding JUST LIKE HIM reporting a very angry aligator in a bathroom of the campground. Needless to say, an aligator in the bathroom of a CONNECTICUT campground on the ocean (LI Sound) seemed a little strange and I got some looks from the other people in the office.
"I'll eat you like a plate of bacon and eggs in the morning. "
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eBay at it's finest:
Me: "What exactly is a 900Mhz UHF CB?"
Them: "A very nice CB at 900Mhz speed!"

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Post by techie »

A number of years ago, I was monitoring the police in a adjacent city (East Palo Alto.) At the time, they had only been incorporated for a few years, and had one of the highest murder rates per capita of
any city in the country.

It was late in the evening, just after shift change, and the call came out for a 'man with a gun'.

Everybody on duty responded code3,
including a young officer who had just gone off duty.

A car chase followed, with the suspect bailing out into a city park. The young officer gave chase, and followed the suspect over a fence. Unfortunately the guy was waiting for him, and shot him in the head. (he died a few hours later).

Hearing the call of 'officer down' and the description of his headwound was chilling.

for the next few days, there was a lot of tactical traffic as a citywide manhunt was launched. The guy was found, and convicted. I don't remember if he's on death row now, or not.

Another time, I caught just a snippet of traffic on the fire white channel (statewide mutual aid 154.280), concerning EMS staging for a mass casualty incident.

I found out later that this incident took place at the company my dad worked for, in his building.
(my dad was on vacation at the time).

The incident involved a stalker/ex-employee named Richard Wade Farley. He was upset because a lady co-worker of my dads would not go out with him, so he walked into the building with a shotgun, and killed seven people. She survived, but was shot in the shoulder.

He was eventually talked out in exchange for a diet pepsi, and a togo's sandwich. He is now a resident of death row at San Quentin state prison.
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Post by Hightower »

Most unusal conservation heard was the LAPD Noth Hollywood Bank of America shootout in Feb 1997. The 2 guys robbed the BOA with full double body armor, full auto AK-47's, tons of ammo. This was the first and only time a "Citywide TAC alert" went out. 400 officers cound not bring down these 2 guys down. I was able to get a CD with all the radio traffic from that incident - scarry 42 minutes of audio to listen to again!

Funny, that most local 3 letter agencies around here don't run any cypher -all in the clear. Always something to listen to when the fuzz is resting for the evening.
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Post by TomSlick »

One of the most unusual I've ever heard was a call back in the 80's for a disorderly female on Philly PD North band. After the call was assigned to a car, the dispatcher added "Use caution - She's throwing fish." Needless to say, this resulted in a prolonged session of mic-clicking from various units (the Philly equivalent of laughing).
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Post by ExKa|iBuR »

I'm not sure if it classifies as "interesting", but..
here in Ontario (Canada), a certain regional police service was doing surveillance on a suspected drug traffiker at his residence.

Well, the guy, we'll call him Bob.. owned several guns, so the narcs were obviously cautious.

They were talking about various things on their radios (in the clear I might add).. Then Bob came out of the house. He was waiving the gun around as if to shoot birds or what not. Then he put the gun down on the ground and got in his car and went for a drive.

The cops followed him around..the guy went to a hunting store and bought some hunting impliments.

The cops had enough, and got him pulled over by a marked unit. The guy had open alcohol and drugs in the car. Did he get arrested? No. The drug cops wanted to get him for more than they could.

He went back to his house, apparantly saw the tac. team near his house. He took his gun and shot himself.

To this day, the police agency in question won't admit they had the chance to stop this suicide before it even began, and denies even being in the area.
I wish I had the tapes of this :)

Another thing that I don't have, but a friend has on tape.

Back in 1977 or so, there was a big train derailment in Mississauga (just west of Toronto) involving several exploded cars of propane, chlorene, etc...
It basically shut down the city for 3 days.
I've heard the tapes, and there's some scary stuff on there..and just how close the city came to being poisined.

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Post by Hightower »

Heard a lady (in her 30's) get tazered. She was screaming her head off, but I'm sure you'd be screaming/yelling when having a tazer fired at you too. One cop was reporting to dispatch what was going on, while the other fired the tazer at the lady. (she had a knife and was threating to kill herself and anyone who tried to stopped her).

Also heard what at first I thought was someone who got ahold of a police radio and was messing with dispatch. Illegal transmissions, I thought, but it gets better. There was all sorts of yelling and cussing - "I'm going to kill you....." & "I'm going to tell 'em you raped me" & " stupid *$#@^". Crazy stuff (mostly cussing & threats) over the repeater for about 10 minutes. Turns out, the chick was arrested for DUI and drugs. She was threating the officer saying she was going to tell everyone the officer transporting her to jail raped her. The officer keyed his mic on & off during her tirade - to get the her threats on the police tapes at HQ.

Crazy stuff you hear over the radio. Always something interesting going on.

One of the funniest PD I've ever listened to is Chicago PD - ALL ZONES!! They say the craziest things - make fun of each other. Right now an officer was called to a domestic, and a different beat cop keyed his radio and told the responding officer " wear your rubber gloves, that "chick" over there has cooties".
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Post by AngelFire_91 »

Our Fire Dept. Engine 1 (E1) lost there radio one day, and was heard reporting it to dispatch, "Dispatch E1, we have misplaced our peramedics handheld radio, please inform District 1." Then about 10 mins later there was a voice, a loud and very scratchy abnoctious voice, "Dispatch this is Smokey." Dispatch did not answer, then "Dispatch this is Smokey." even louder. Dispatch finaly said, "this is Dispatch, go a head." Voice then said "I've droped my beer and I can't get to it." Dispatch went on and asked for the address of the man, the man responded with his address, then Dispatch asked Engine 1 to go to Command 3, and told Engine 1 "E1, It think we have found your quote stolen radio, PD is on their way to his location at _______." Engine 1 responded to the location of the man and ended up finding a drunk guy who in fact had droped his beer, with a radio in his hand.

Another one I only heard part of was, our Engine 1 also got their whole Engine stolen one night, and it ended up being driven over into Engine 3's district (just about 2 miles from where E1 was at.) and abandoned. you can imagine how the crew must of felt comming out of a residents they just had a medical at, and finding that their Engine was no where in sight.
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Post by Jay911 »

About eight or nine years ago, when Calgary Police Service were still in UHF, I heard some very odd transmissions on one of their primary dispatch frequencies. It was during the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede, which some of you may know as a big fair/rodeo that lasts 10 days. People come from all over the world to go to Stampede.

So I heard this woman with an American accent (forgive me, please :)). "Honnneeeey, when're yah comin' back to the arrr-veeee?"

"Oh shut up, I'm gettin' those little donuts!"

And so on.

Oh, I should mention. The frequency in question was 462.6625 mhz. :)

I'd never heard of FRS before, and I imagine these FRS users had never heard of the fact you couldn't use FRS in Canada (at that point).

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Post by metro121 »

The first one I heard while scanning SBSO freqs. was an auto-patch from a deputy to his wife stating he was going to be very late due to logging evidence all night. He then reconnected on the auto-patch but this time a differant female answered in which he told her he was off duty and on his way to her place for dinner and ,,,, well you figure it out.

The second was a local PD officer, dept which will remain unnamed,
had accidently keyed his ht and had been expressing his true feelings for the beat SGT. that night.
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Post by PETNRDX »

... May 1980 the hams at Mt. St. Helens describing the mountain blowing up, and a few seconds later... they were gone. They had been giving the WX and volcano reports for weeks on several of the local repeaters. A while later the Governor of the state on just about every channel I could dial, two way and broadcast advising of the mountain blowing up. First time I had heard of the EBS really working....
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Post by KitN1MCC »

about 4 pm yesterday the 19th i heard Middletown pd get dispached to one of the local housing projects that youths smashing ground mounted transformer with metal pipes and that is it smoking and the units were no power
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Monitored? Heck, I MADE an interesting one!

Post by kc7gr »

Around 1989, I was still living in Berkeley, and working for Motorola's former COSC in Emeryville. I had made a trip into the University area to pick up some parts from a local electronics supplier. On my way out, I spotted this grungy-looking black guy running away from a smaller black guy -- taunting the smaller one, in fact -- and the big guy had a good-sized backpack in his hands.

I had a nice kitted-out MT500 at the time that I'd customized for use on the local 440 ham channels. I pulled my car over, got the story from the short guy (bag-snatch), and took off after the tall guy (not to catch, mind you... To keep in sight so I could pass the word to the cops).

Pass the word I did. I jumped on the repeater's autopatch, and kept the line open to BPD, along with running commentary on where I was and what had happened, until a black-and-white could show up. I'd gotten a good look at the thief, and he was found hiding in a local schoolyard less than 15 minutes later. Anyone monitoring 442.6750 at that time would have gotten quite an earful.

I have to hand it to the BPD dispatcher -- They took the 'patch in stride, and I later got several thank-yous from both the victim and the officers involved. Oh, yes, the victim's pack was recovered, unharmed.

73 de KC7GR
Bruce Lane, KC7GR
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And another one, on the lighter side...

Post by kc7gr »

Bag-snatching black guys were one thing; I think the funniest thing I've heard to date is when I was scanning the 40-50MHz band from my former home, and I suddenly picked up, loud and clear, our neighbor's baby monitor. In fact, my scanner had locked just in time to treat me to dad helping said kid into pajamas (I think she was about 3-4 at the time), along with much in the way of nonsense words and sounds.

Another time, I picked up a transmission from someone's cordless phone. They were going on mindlessly with one of their buddies about some sporting event. It was good for some degree of amusement value.

I guess people just don't think of the fact that anything which emits a radio signal can be monitored.

73 de KC7GR
Bruce Lane, KC7GR
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Post by nmfire10 »

This heard just on Friday night. One of the local un-named police dept's main repeater went down and they were running on the backup repeater. They called in the un-named radio service company to come fix it. Well, after a few hours of toying with it, the officer who was at the site with the radio tech called the Lt on the radio to say he needed to call him on the phone. They had their phone call. The next thing over the air was the Lt calling the dispatcher.....

"704, Call that service number back. Tell them to send someone who actually knows what they are doing to fix this thing."

Yes, it is still broken and wow has it been interesting to listen to this weekend.
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eBay at it's finest:
Me: "What exactly is a 900Mhz UHF CB?"
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Post by RKG »

Tomorrow in Boston will be the next installment of the Boston Marathon.

Several years ago, one of the Boston media radio outlets was doing promos for the marathon every 15 minutes. The reporter was driving in from Hopkinton, stopping at the various checkpoints for his 15-second report.

On the cue channel:

"Base to Jim: 2 minutes."

"Jim to Base: OK, I'm trying, but the traffic is awful."

A minute later:

"Base to Jim: 1 minute."

"Jim to Base: [Frantic] Damn, I'm stuck at the Mobil station at Hammond Street; can't move; not going to make the checkpoint. What shall I do?!"

"Base to Jim: Calm down! This is radio: pull into the gas station and fake it."
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Post by Robert HT220 »

A month or two ago I was going out of town, and heard a phone conversation on 460.575. I don't know how it happened, but it did. This is Houston's FD primary channel that it was on. :D It was a 10-56(drunk) guy talking to his wife. He told her: "Hey darlin', couldya bring some 24 packs :o from the.............whatdya call it, the................... HEBean? Were all outta beerz, I drank the last 10" :lol: :lol: :lol: Man, that was hilarious! She replies: "Sure, honey" I don't remember what location I was at, but I do remember what they said!

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Post by OX »

Anyone remember the deputy that got shot at a Moose Lodge and the bullet ricoched off of his Rolex saving his life? (Story ran on Top Cops a few years ago). That show butchered up the whole incident but I've heard the actual tape recorded by Sonitrol in Columbus, that was pretty interesting.

Also I was at the same Sonitrol years later when there was a shooting next door to a protected business at a car wash. We heard the whole argument, the shooting, the names of people involved and called the cops. Chilling is listening to a guy that's been shot dying, similar to the RCMP snipit way up at the top. I still remember this lady crying out "they shot Marvin"...
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This is funny...

Post by motorolamonster911 »

Ok, after reading all these responses, I thought : "Darn, I never hear anything good on the radio"....About 10 minutes later, a guy out in the boonies went of his medication, and decided, well I think I will pull out my shotgun and kill my wife. The sheriff dispatcher had the daughter on 91 (phone) who live down the street giving the dispatcher "Play by Play action as I call it" as the dispatcher relayed to units via radio. He trapped her in the house and began peeking in the windows. He then stated if he seen a cop he would comit 13 (suicide).

The first P.D unit on scene was a female, who marked on scene, and left her vehicle without back-up. She talked to the man, and the wife thought it would be ok to exit her home, well that pissed him off even more, so a fight began over the gun and then it discharged. The daughter could not tell who, if anybody was shot. The dispatcher marked the female unit numerous times with no reply. So the dispatcher started one of our squads, and every unit in the county towards this 39 (location ) . A few seconds later, the female unit marked dispatch, and stated her RICK unit was not activated because she forgot when she left the vehicle. She got the family away from the man *(who still had the gun)* and he ran up a hill. All these units chased him, and took him into custody without no trouble.

Our squad remained down the street away from the scene in case something happened, and they transported the man to the hospital. As a matter of fact, they just now released the hospital.

Wheewww I'm tired now.. :P

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drunk firemen

Post by fireman1417 »

A few years ago something very interesting came across the fire radio on one of the other departments channels. I won't name the department but EVERYONE in our area knows this story, probably because about 200 firefighters heard it. We have 6 volunteer departments in our area and each department has the ability to monitor the other's dispatch channel, and most people scan all six. One summer afternoon we hear one guy call someone on the radio talking about going down the canal to the camp and to meet him at the launch in a half hour. Now its not odd for people to call each other, but most of the time they switch to their dept talk channel to carry on a private conversation. Well they kept talking on their dispatch, and instead of people telling them to switch over they just join in and ask if they can go party at the camp too! This is no joke. They start talking about cooking alligator stew for supper and if anyone else is coming to the back, to pick up three more cases of beer. All together they must have had about ten firemen going get drunk at the camp, including the fire chief. Now the camp is only about 3 minutes down the canal from the launch which is at the end of their coverage about 5 miles from their station. Here's the scary part. About 5 hours later, this department gets a call. I don't remember what it was, but only a few people were responding. The next traffic on the radio was hilarious, you heard an outboard motor screaming in the background and someone hollering on the radio that the calvary was coming. They drove up the canal to the launch and jumped into trucks and were responding to the call! Luckily it wasn't major and the firefighter on scene cancelled everyone before they got there. They actually got back on dispatch channel and told everyone they could go back to the camp! The department I'm in luckily doesn't get the chance to work with these guys for mutual aid or anything. They are on the other side the river and to far for us to help each other.
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Scanning memories

Post by W2IRT »

For a few years I made my living chasing calls as a freelancer for the Toronto Sun and later CFTO-TV, and I had nine (!) scanners in my mobile porcupine, masquerading as a Toyota Celica.

Well, one of the best calls I ever heard involved an incident at the old Ontario Stockyards that used to be at Keele and St. Clair in the city's west end. I forget the specific numbers from the transmission, but the description was beyond belief.

Imagine sitting back listening to this deadpan dispatcher's voice coming out over the radio "All units stand by for a HotShot...12 desk.....1104's area.....Ontario Stockyards....Keele and St. buggering a sheep. That is all." I'm NOT making that up. I swear!! I rolled on it, but was too late. He'd been caught inflagrante-de-sheep-to, and had been transferred to the division by the time I got there. But I wasn't alone on scene. ANYbody with a scanner or PD radio within 20 miles rolled on that call. The baaaaa'ing sounds on that band continued for most of the night.

Of course, I've heard all sorts of bozos giving credit card numbers out on cell/cordless phones back when it was legal to monitor those (now I want to get AWAY from overhearing cell calls!), and once I heard one SweetYoungThing (tm) give another SYT a surprisingly accurate description of how to perform a certain very personal act over the McFrequency at the local drive-through on the clerk-to-clerk channel.

I've followed stakeouts, multi-alarm fires, crashes of just about anything that can be crashed, but I still think that call to the stockyards is one of the radio calls I'll never forget.

The other started on a bright Tuesday morning in early September, 2001.

I live in New York City now.

It took me about a year and a half to even want to turn on a scanner again after that day. There are transcripts of those unspeakable events on the net, and I understand audio as well. I never want to hear them again, nor read the transcripts. Hearing the Last Words of our heroes, pleas for help that could not arrive in time...Words fail me to this day.

On a lighter note, though, one call I heard just yesterday. Some nut-job was in the back of an ambulance, threatening the paramedics with a fire extinguisher. ESU was called in and a few minutes later he was taken into custody. The radio's voice reported that "The fire extinguisher perp is in custody, will be pressure-tested at Bellevue and likely discharged..." Followed by a silence. Followed by a loud groan.

I have to say, though, all in all, living in NYC is the best radio mecca in the world. I'm contemplating getting back into chasing again if the opportunity arises.

PJ Dougherty
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Post by mike m »

About 14 years ago when I lived in Tucson a pima county female dispatcher got a bit excited late one night with a male dispatcher and one of them accidentaly keyed up their headset on the SOs VHF repeater at the time during the encounter. The next morning several hams were discussing what they had heard coming across the SOs VHF channel that night. I'm not sure if its true but I heard the Male dispatcher was fired and the female was promoted. It also made for some interesting comments by the officers working that night.

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Post by jcobb »

Well, err, I hate to state the obvious - but as to the female getting promoted and the male fired - "'tis more blessed to give than to receive".



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Post by nmfire10 »

Officer working an overtime road job must have sat on his mic or something. For about 5 mintes, the repeater was tied up with country blue-grass banjo hick instrumental. Eveyone was on the floor laughing except the shift supervisor who was rather annoyed.
"I'll eat you like a plate of bacon and eggs in the morning. "
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eBay at it's finest:
Me: "What exactly is a 900Mhz UHF CB?"
Them: "A very nice CB at 900Mhz speed!"

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Post by wa2zdy »

nmfire10 wrote:Officer working an overtime road job must have sat on his mic or something. For about 5 mintes, the repeater was tied up with country blue-grass banjo hick instrumental. Eveyone was on the floor laughing except the shift supervisor who was rather annoyed.
More evidence supporting the use of the time out timer function. I have it programmed even on the ham frequencies. What a great idea. And who among us hasn't unknowingly keyed up? How easy would it have been to have keyed up as nmfire10 just described?

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Funnies; Heard on dispatch

Post by kb4mdz »

I was in a local (Central North Carolina) dispatch center one day when a med call came in; the dispatcher, who is very experienced, went thru the whole protocol very well; age, gender?, condition?, location?, do you have a dog? yada, yada, while he was setting up the page to EMS. Told the caller EMS was on the way, write down the names of any medications the patient was taking, to give to the paramedics, and close up any dogs or other pets in another room.

Well, that's what he thought he said, until it was all out of his mouth and over the air. Paraphrasing:

"Help is on the way, .... write down the name of your dog on a piece of paper to tell the paramedics when they get there."

It took until he was off the phone for him to realize what he'd _actually_ said. He replayed the Instant Recall; yup, he'd said it wrong! He got quite a kick out of himself, imagining the medics showing up and being given a piece of paper with "Rover" on it!!!

Chuk Gleason, kb4mdz,
Cary, NC
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Post by fireradio »

Robert HT220 wrote:A month or two ago I was going out of town, and heard a phone conversation on 460.575. I don't know how it happened, but it did. This is Houston's FD primary channel that it was on.
Strange -- My county tones out the volunteers' Minitors on 460.575 (actual radio system is Astro trunked), and if I walk around my neighborhood with my Minitor II on monitor, I will often hear one or two cordless phone conversations... :roll: I thought it was just a fluke!
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Post by nmfire10 »

We used to have a multi-channel cordless phone that operated on low band. One of the channels came over my pager on 46.06.
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eBay at it's finest:
Me: "What exactly is a 900Mhz UHF CB?"
Them: "A very nice CB at 900Mhz speed!"

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Post by Hightower »

I forgot about this great one I heard a year or so ago on Chicago PD channel.

Dispatcher> unit 14, mothers calling about her son who locked himself in the bathroom smoking crack and won't unlock the bathroom door. 114 W 42nd ave - third floor

Unit 14> Patrol, please send me a backup unit

Dispatcher> 10-4, unit 33 back up unit 14

?????????> If that guy has been playing with his butt crack, make sure you wash your hands after handeling this subject.

?????????> ha ha ha, very funny - that was good

Unit 14> ahhhhhhhhhhhh ooooooookkkkkkkk..............10-99

gotta love that. They are always making snide comments on the radios in chicago. I hear the oficers flerting with dispatch, making plans for when they get off work to hook up with dispatch. a few swear words from time to time


ps 10-99 is the same as 10-4, but 10-99 is an acknowlegement from a two-man patrol car vs 10-4 is a one man patrol car.
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Post by RESCUE161 »

I didn't hear this, I saw it somewhere on the net. I don't remember who it came from, but I thought it was funny.


Date: Fri, 6 Feb 1998 17:23:13 -0600 (CST)

On Friday the 24th I was watching the NASA channel on cable TV to see how the experiments and Shuttle crew were doing. The men onboard needed to send instructions to the experiments in the cargo bay and were using a laptop to do it. As some of you may have heard, there was a "computer problem" onboard as reported by CNN. The exchange of information between the crew and the Johnson Space Center (JSC) went something like this:

Crew: Urgent Johnson, we can't get a DOS prompt.
JSC: Press C: enter.
Crew: Heck, we're not familiar with all this
JSC: What screen are you looking at?
Crew: It says 'My Computer', and, er, various other icons.
JSC: Click on 'Start' and then shut down.
Crew: You click the 'Start' button to shut down?
JSC: Yeah. Isn't it obvious?
Crew: Somebody get me an aspirin.
JSC: Just hit the damn 'Start' button.
Crew: We can't do that. It didn't load a mouse.
JSC: Didn't load any mouse at all?
Crew: Well, yeah, a PS/2 or something. But we don't have one of those
JSC: Okay. Press Alt + Esc.
Crew: And what does that do?
JSC: It should help.
Crew: Negative.
JSC: Stand by, will replicate the problem down here.
Crew: Roger.

[Long pause]

JSC: Okay then. Double click the MS-DOS icon.
Crew: I don't have a mouse.
JSC: Go to backup.
Crew: Which is what?
JSC: Dock with the Russians. They have a Unix Workstation you can borrow
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Post by JAYMZ »

nmfire10 wrote:Officer working an overtime road job must have sat on his mic or something. For about 5 mintes, the repeater was tied up with country blue-grass banjo hick instrumental. Eveyone was on the floor laughing except the shift supervisor who was rather annoyed.
We had an occasion when a Sgt from the Sheriff's department was talking to another police officer keyed up on the county-wide police net that we use at work. He spent 15 minute fat-mouthing most of his shift....

We called his desk so they can call the cars cell phone and maybe he could save some face when the desk guy says, "Let him go... he's slipped the noose over his head... let's see how tight he'll make it."

On a more chilling note...

About a month ago there was a shooting on the lower end of the county. I had the chance to listen to part of the tape.

The dispatcher did a good job calming the caller down. As it turns out he had a revolver and was threatening to shot himself. He had gone into the shed and the caller lost site of him and the dispatcher was obtaining specific address info while the PD and Ambulance were responding.

About 2 minutes into this the caller told the dispatcher that she could see her boyfriend and then you hear a very pronounced "POP" in the background when the caller loses it. Probably the most uncomfortable feeling in the whole world... if someone wants to off themselves fine... but man... don't do it on the phone.... < shiver >.......

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Post by x1sspic »

>>Strange -- My county tones out the volunteers' Minitors on 460.575 (actual radio system is Astro trunked), and if I walk around my neighborhood with my Minitor II on monitor, I will often hear one or two cordless phone conversations... I thought it was just a fluke!<<

Sounds like you're picking up a harmonic from a 900mhz phone. My own phone comes over my scanner on med 9 when I'm close enough.
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Post by redbeard »

I recall one time going to a well-known truck stop along I-70 in West Virginia and stopping at the local CB shop for something. They were listening to a VHF-Hi frequency where something was going on. We got the freq. off of them before leaving and plugged it in to the mobile scanner and went for a drive around to find something to do. Well, it turns out the freq. was a DEA operation of some sort, and it was in the clear. Most of what we heard was all frivolous communications about nonsense, including one of the agents promising another that he would name his first born child 'Jack-Bob.' Well, we ended up driving past a hotel up there looking to see how populated the bar was and upon leaving we past a strange looking guy with a latino-sounding name. Right after we passed him and we both got a good long look at each other, we hear on he radio "do we have anything on a dark colored 4 door oldsmobile with dark tinted windows?" Needless to say we hit the interstate and found another place to cruise around. Ended up hearing later on that there was a bust up there and that the feds were at both hotels on either side of the highway and had surveillance all over the whole exit and truck stop area.

Another funny thing I heard on the scanner was on a local PD freq. near me. It sounded like someone got on the PD's repeater with an illegally programmed radio or might have been an off-duty LEO goofing off but someone called in and said "five-O to radio, we'll be out at Super America for more donuts."

Five-O is actually one of the unit numbers they use, and Super America was a gas station right down the street from the police station. When we heard it we couldn't help but bust out laughing since the dispatcher on duty at the time was prone to being pissy on the radio to begin with and got all huffy and sent a 10-code that meant 'radio interference.' You could just hear his blood pressure rising as he said it....
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